

Bo Lewin og Bente Tr?en (Red.) (2008) " Sexology in Context." Oslo: Universitetsforlaget AS.

Supplerende artikler:

Tr?en, B., Martinussen, M., ?berg, K., & Kavli, H. (2007). Reduced Sexual Interest in a Random Sample of Norwegian Couples. Sexual & Relationship Therapy, 22, 303-322.

Tr?en, B. (2008). When sex becomes a duty. Sexual & Relationship Therapy, 23 (1), 61-84.

Tr?en, B., & S?rensen, D. (2008). A qualitative study of how survivors of sexual, psychological and physical abuse sexuality and desire. Sexual & Relationship Therapy, 23 (4), 377-391.

Tr?en, B., & Skogerb?, ?. (2009). Sex as an Obligation and Interpersonal Communication among Norwegian Couples. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 50, 221-229.

Tr?en, B. (2010). Sexual dissatisfaction among heterosexual Norwegians in couple relationships. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 25 (2), 132-147.

Tr?en, B., & Schaller, S. (2010). Sexual well-being in Norway 2008. International  Journal of Sexual Health, 22, 180-194.

Tr?en, B., Stulhofer, A., & Carvalheira, A. (2013). The associations among satisfaction with the division of housework, partner’s perceived attractiveness, emotional intimacy, and sexual satisfaction in a sample of married or cohabiting Norwegian middle-class men. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 28 (3), 215-227.

Publisert 21. mai 2014 13:49 - Sist endret 21. mai 2014 13:51