

Marks, D.F., Murray, M., Evans, B. & Estacio, E.V. (2015). Health Psychology. Theory, research, and practice (4. utg.). Los Angeles: Sage ISBN: 9781473992764

NB! Det er en lapp i boken med lenke og passord til et e-bokkapittel: Kap. 3. "Biological systems and functioning" fra Anisman, H (2016). Health Psychology (s. 44-76). London: Sage. [Bookshelf Online].


Overvekt og fedme

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  • Tr?en, B. (2003). Effect of an intervention to prevent unwanted pregnancy in adolescents. A randomized, prospective study from Nordland county,
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  • Tr?en, B. (2008). When sex becomes a duty. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 23, 61 – 84. DOI: 10.1080/14681990701724758   23 sider



  • Sapolsky, R. (2015). Stress and the brain: individual variability and the inverted-U. Nature Neuroscience, 18, 1344–1346.   3 sider
  • Eriksen, H.R. & Ursin, H. (2004). Subjective health complaints, sensitization, and sustained cognitive activation (stress). Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 56(4), 445-448. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3999(03)00629-9   4 sider
  • Reme, S.E.; Eriksen, H.R. & Ursin, H. (2008). Cognitive activation theory of stress—how are individual experiences mediated into biological systems? Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, Supplements(6), 177–183.   7 sider


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TOTALT: 728 sider


Publisert 23. mai 2017 14:07 - Sist endret 31. mai 2017 12:03