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Sceff, T.: Microsociology. Discourse, Emotion and Social Structure., 1994. Chicago: Chicago University Press. (kap. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 og 10).
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Webel, C. P.: Terror, terrorism and the human condition., 2004. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wilkinson, R.G.: The impact of inequality. How to make sick societies healthier., 2005. London: Routledge..
Zimbardo, P.: The Lucifer Effect. Understanding how good people turn evil., 2007. New York: Random House.
Cartwright, D. (1997). Introduction to a History of Social Psychology. Contemporary Social Psychology in Historical Perspective. In Hewstone, M, Manstead, A. S. R. & Stroebe, W. (eds.),The Blackwell Reader in Social Psychology (pp. 3-18). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. (Original work published 1979)
Duckitt, J. (1992). Psychology and Prejudice. A Historical Analysis and Integrative Framework. American Psychologist, 47, 1182-1193.
Geels, A. ocg Wikstr?m, O. (2005). Den religi?sa m?nniskan. En introduction till religionspsykologin. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur. Kap. 1. Religion och social verklighet (ss. 47-74).
Renshon, S. A. & Duckitt, J. (2000). Cultural Political Psychology: Revitalizing a Founding Tradition for a new Subfield. In Renshon, S. A. and Duckitt, J. Political Psychology. Cultural and Crosscultural Foundations (ss. 3-17). London: Macmillan Press.
Pye, L. W. (2000). The Elusive Concept of Culture and the Vivid Reality of Personality. In Renshon, S. A. and Duckitt, J. Political Psychology. Cultural and Crosscultural Foundations (ss.18-32). London: Macmillan Press.
Scheff, T. J. & Retzinger, S. M. (2001). Emotions and Violence. Shame and Rage in Destructive Conflicts. Lincoln, NE.: An Authors guild Backprint. Com Edition. Kap. 7: A New Labeling Theory: Stigma, Emotion, and the Social Bond (ss. 123-139).
Staub, E. (2003).The Psychology of Good and Evil. Why Children, Adults, and Groups Help and Harm Others. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Kap. 1, 4, 5, 21, 22 og 23. (til sammen 90 sider).