Kompendium kan kj?pes p? Kopiutsalget, Akademika. Dette kompendiet inneholder alle tekster foruten Dorrine K. Kondo, Crafting Selves.
Lambeck, Michael: A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion, 2002. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Boddy, Janice; Kap 28. Spirits and Selves in Nordern Sudan ss 398-418.
Howell, Signe: "Gjenopptakelse av menneskenatur som et antropologisk emne" i ,: Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, 1990. Universitetsforlaget. ss. 17-29.
Kleinman, Arthur: Patients and Healers in the Context of Culture. An Exploration of the Borderland between Anthropology, Medicine and Psychiatry, 1980. Universityof California Press. Kap.2 ss.24-70.
Hylland Eriksen, Thomas: Sm? steder - store sp?rsm?l, 1993. Universitetsforlaget. Kap.1 og 14:Tankens veier. ss.24-30 og 269-276.
Larsen, Tord: "Er alle stygge andunger egentlig svaner?" i Antropolognytt, 1979. Sosialantropologisk foreningen. ss.116-129.
S?rhaug, Tian: Fornuftens fantasier. Antropologiske essays om moderne livsformer., 1996. Universitetsforlaget. Kap.1 ss.33-52.
?m, Eli: Japansk barnehage - vindu mot en fremmed kultur, 1991. Universitetsforlaget. ss.80-92, 100-124.
Kondo, Dorinne K.: Crafting Selves. Power, Gender, and Discourses of Identity in a Japanese Workplace, 1990. University of Chicago Press. Kap 1 og 3 (utdrag) ss.3-48, 104-115.
Jackson, Jean: "Chronic pain and the Tension Between the Body as Subject and Object" i Csordas, Thomas J.: Embodiment and Experience. The Existential Ground of Culture and Self, 1994. Cambridge University Press. Kap.9 ss.201-228.
Rosaldo, Michelle: "Toward an Antropology of Self and Feeling" i Shweder, Richard A. & Le Vine, Robert A.: Culture Theory. Essays of Mind, Self, and Emotion, 1984. Cambridge University Press. Kap. 5 ss.137-157.