ECON9030 – Research Seminar in Economics

Course content

The course is a part of the Oslo PhD Initiative in Economics. It will run every semester. It has 60 minutes sessions held twice a month alternately at BI and on the University of Oslo campus that the candidates are expected to participate in. PhD candidates from University of Oslo, Department of Economics will also attend these sessions together with one faculty member from University of Oslo, Department of Economics. Baseline slots are 30 minutes long and one session will have 2 slots. One candidate can request to take both slots for presentation.

The candidate must present at least 2 times for a total of 2 hours. The first presentation must be before the pre-doc and be based on research in the early stages. This presentation could, for example, be based on a research idea that has not yet been spelled out in a paper. One of the candidate`s presentations must be for one hour, after the candidate`s pre-doc, at which time the candidate will present a polished paper (a practice job talk).

A candidate should sign up for the course when he/she is close to completing his/her dissertation and will reach the goals of (i) having participated in at least sixteen sessions and (ii) having met the presentation minimum described above.

Junior visiting scholars may also give talks in this research seminar series.

Learning outcome

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The course will provide students with a better understanding of how a research presentation is structured, organized, and delivered and what to expect in terms of comments and questions from an audience of academic economists.

Learning outcomes - Skills

After taking this course, students should have improved their presentation skills and learned how to give and receive feedback. The presentation of dissertation work will help students towards the completion of their PhD.

General Competence

After taking this course, students should be able to critically assess the underlying assumptions of the methods used in their own research work and the research work of their peers.

Admission to the course

This seminar is available only for candidates who have been admitted to the PhD program in Economics at BI Norwegian Business School or at the Department of Economics at the University of Oslo.

Participation and presentation for all candidates will be registered by senior members of staff. For candidates at the Department of Economics, UiO, the following applies: When the requirements for approval have been achieved, ECON9030 will be included in the education plan with 6 ECTS. For candidates from BI Norwegian Business School: A candidate should sign up for the course when he/she is close to completing his/her dissertation and will reach the goals of (i) having participated in at least sixteen sessions and (ii) having met the presentation minimum described above.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 3, 2024 8:15:29 AM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Teaching language