Syllabus/achievement requirements

Per Krusell: Real Macroeconomic Theory, Chapter 1-11, 196 pages. Lecture notes.

Daron Acemoglu: Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, 2009. Princeton University Press. Chapter 1-3, 5 (except 5.7), 6 (except 6.4-6.5), 9, 17.1-17.3..

Syds?ter, Knut et al.: Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 2008. Prentic Hall. Chapter 11 and 12.

Articles (preliminary list)

Yongsung Cha ng and Sun-Bin Kim: On the aggregate labor supply, Winter 2005. Economic Quarterly, pages 21-37.

Gary Hansen and Randy Wright: The labor market in business cycle theory, 16(2):1{12, 1992. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Quarterly Review.

Victor E. Li: Can market-clearing models explain U.S. labor market fluctuations?, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, pages 35{49, July 1999.

Readings on search theory

Acemoglu, D. and Shimer, R: Efficient Unemployment Insurance, Journal of Political Economy, vol 107, 893-928.

Hall, R. and P. Milgrom: The limited influence of unemployment on the wage bargain, American Economic Review, 98 (3), 1-23.

Ljungqvist, L. and Sargent T: Recursive macroeconomic theory, 2004, 2:nd edition. 6.1-6.3, and pp 946-951 and 959-960.

Moen E: Competitive search equilibrium, 1997, Journal of Political Economy, pp 385-411.

Pissarides, C: Equilibrium Unemployment Theory, 2000, Cambridge Massachusetts: The MIT Press, chapter 1, 2.1-2.3.

Pissarides, C: The unemployment volatility puzzle: Is wage stickiness the answer?, Econometrica 77, 5, 1339-1369.

Shimer, R: The cyclical behaviour of equilibrium unemployment and vacancies, 2005, American Economic Review, 95 (1), 24-49.

Reference material:

Ljungqvist, L and T.J. Sargent: Recursive Macroeconomic Theory, 2nd ed., MIT Press 2004.

Romer, D: Advanced Macroeconomics, 3rd ed, McGraw-Hill 2006.

In addition students will on an individual basis be assigned articles to read and present in class. These presentations will be part of the studenets portfolio when the course is evaluated.

Published Apr. 9, 2010 10:09 AM - Last modified Aug. 9, 2010 1:08 PM