Digital home exam in Inspera

Instructions for the take home exam

Below you will find three articles on which the take-home exam will be based.

The problem set will be published in Inspera on Monday, 10 December at 08.00.  Your answer must be uploaded as a pdf-file in Inspera by the deadline on Thursday, 13 December at 10.00.

You will find important information about home exam and submission in Inspera on this website


Articles on which the take-home exam will be based:

  1. “General Equilibrium with Uncertainty Loving Preference” by Araujo et al., Econometrica, 2018,
  2. "The one-shot-deviation principle for sequential rationality" by Ebbe Hendon, Hans J?rgen Jacobsen and Birgitte Sloth, in Games and Economic Behavior 12, 274-282 (1996).
  3. Robustly Coalition-Proof Incentive Mechanisms for Public Good Provision are Voting Mechanisms and Vice Versa Felix J. Bierbrauer Martin F. Hellwig The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 83, Issue 4, 1 October 2016, Pages 1440–1464,
Published Dec. 5, 2018 10:14 AM - Last modified Nov. 19, 2019 3:01 PM