Teaching plan

Plan as of March 30, not including seminars. Term paper: See announcement.

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
16.01.2009TS? ? TK 1, Schweder: 1--4 ? ?
23.01.2009TS? ? TK II 1--4? ?
30.01.2009NCF? ? TK III? ?
06.02.2009NCF? ? TK IV? ?
13.02.2009NCF? ? Seierstad 1.1--1.3? ?
20.02.2009EH? ? (Application)? Espen covered a Solow model extended with AR(1) productivity process and dynamic consumption/investment optimization, and an iterative scheme for numeric calculation.?
27.02.2009NCF? ? TK V, VI? Only fractions of ch VI covered, the rest to be covered March 6th.?
06.03.2009NCF? ? TK VIII and II.5? II.5 postponed?
13.03.2009NCF? ? Extreme Value Theory? This topic is only for those who have credits in Maths 4. Others might skip the topic.?
20.03.2009NCF? ? Seierstad ch 4 (parts)? Covered also II.5. Martingales and stochastic differential equations. ?
27.03.2009NCF? Frisch room at *12.15*? Seierstad ch 4 (parts)? Stochastic control and the mathematics of finance?
04.04.2009TS? Frisch room at *12.15*? (Application of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes)? ?
17.04.2009EH? ? Aiyagari? ?
24.04.2009EH? ? Article TBD? ?
Published Feb. 25, 2009 1:32 PM - Last modified Mar. 30, 2009 8:22 PM