By 7 May the compulsory …

By 7 May the compulsory term papers that were handed in, will have been graded. A lecture on Thursday 15 May will cover the questions, and your answers will be handed back with comments in the margins. The lecture takes place in Aud. 2 at 12:15-14:00.

If anyone's paper is not accepted, he/she will be notified by e-mail on Thursday 8 May. A new attempt on another set of problems will be allowed, with problems handed out at 10:00 on Tuesday 13 May, answers to be handed in before 11:00 on Thursday 15 May, both at the Department's reception office, room 1240 ES.

Those who did not hand in anything by the deadline on 7 April, will not be allowed to sit for the exam.

Published Apr. 11, 2008 11:33 AM - Last modified May 21, 2008 10:58 AM