Due to the cancellation of …
Due to the cancellation of the lecture on March 17, and because teaching in May becomes difficult, I go for the following plan for the remaining lectures/seminars: Tuesday March 31; 1415 - 1600 (aud 5): Disaggregated growth models and structural changes. Thursday April 2; 0830-1000 (room 1220): Disaggregated growth models and structural changes. Tuesday April 14: No lecture. Thursday April 16; 0830 - 1000 (room 1220): Seminar as planned (problems available during this week). Tuesday April 21; (aud 5): On Investment. Thursday April 23; 0830 - 1000 (room 1220): On optimal economic growth. Tuesday April 28; 1415 - 1600 (aud 5): On optimal economic growth. Thursday April 30; 0830 - 1000: Last seminar
If you find this plan unacceptable, please let me know!