For the overborrowing exercise, some students ask how the lower tradable income reduces the consumption through 3 channels. I uploaded a supplementary material to explain this. It is
Hope it is useful.
For the overborrowing exercise, some students asked for a reexplanation of how the lower tradable income reduces the consumption through 3 channels. I uploaded a supplementary material to explain this. Hope it is useful.
The Department of Economics is currently reviewing the study programs, with the aim of improving the programs. In this process we would greatly benefit from feedback from the students.
We would therefore ask you to spend a short amount of time to respond to questions about the courses given in 2016.
Link to form:
Dear all,
next Friday (04/11) there will be no office hours after the seminar, as I am out of town (Yikai will hold the seminar).
Dear all,
I just added a link to an article from the Economist that is a good introduction to next lecture (Tuesday 27.09).
The first half of the article summarizes the argument that we will go over in class, namely that competition can be bad for the safety of the banking system. In the article there are also references to relevant empirical evidence. The second half of the article provides a critique of the argument we will discuss in class.
The contact student is J?rgen Larsen.
His email is
for the entire fall semester I will hold office hours on Friday 10:00 to 11:00. My office is ES 1137.
If I need to cancel an office hour, I will post a message on this page as soon as a can.