The problem set for seminar …

The problem set for seminar #5 - November 3 - is available under "Seminars". Group A (Pokhrel, Gurung) will answer Question A (Bubbles), while Group B (Nesvik, Trasti) will answer Question B (Diamond-Dybvig model). Please mail the answers to Jon Vislie ( later than Wednesday (November 2) morning, as pdf-files. I will then forward them to Henrik B. The last seminar on November 17 will take place in Room 101 in Harriet Holter; 1415-1600. The problem set will be available in week 45. So far, only one group is in the programme;(Skumsnes & ?mot). We should have one more group! Those willing to do the job, please contact JV.

Published Oct. 27, 2011 1:08 PM - Last modified Nov. 16, 2011 12:54 PM