The final solution proposal is finaly out. Sorry for the delay.
You will find the result in Fronter.
Do you have any questions? Contact the Department of Economics.
You will find the result in Fronter. If your paper is approved you are not going to hand in a new paper.
If your paper is not approved you have gotten an e-mail to your UiO-email at 19 April 2017 with information regarding the second attempt.
Do you have any questions? Please contact the Department of Economics.
You do not have to replicate the results which use divided/price ratios or the interest rate differential (i-i^*).
You will find the compulsory term paper on the semester page.
On the semester page, you will also find a link to general information regarding the compulsory term paper.
For questions, please contact the Department of Economics.
I've uploaded next week’s seminar problems. I have not yet received any suggestions for discussion topics, so that is left blank until I receive suggestions.
I also corrected a small mistake in problem 3(part 1) of the last solution proposal.
The first problem set is now out. We won't have time to go through it all in class, but solutions will be posted after class. Also, I have not received suggestions for discussion topics yet, please let me know if you have ideas so that we can make good use of the seminars.
Seminars will begin the first week of February. To apply the models of the curriculum to real world events I would like to use current events from the media or other related stories you students might be interested in.
If you have a topic, an article ore some specific case you would like to discuss in the light of the course material please e-mail me at I am open for suggestions all through the semester.