Lecture on Monday 26/8

Slides for the first part of the lecture are now available. A brief supplementary note on  CRRA utility functions used in the lecrure is also available under the heading "Supplement".

The lecture will be related to sections 2.1-2.7 in Romer's book. The last part will cover section 2.7. It may be a good idea at this stage to take a look at Kruger's notes sections 3-5 (see Syllabus for link). An alternative reading is Williamson ch 3, but it adds nothing of importance to the other texts. Anyway, if you have been to the first two lectures, you should be able to follow this one. 

A second set of slides for Monday may be posted Friday beteen 15.00 and 16.00. If so, it will only be a small number.




Published Aug. 22, 2013 7:30 PM