
Published Apr. 20, 2016 10:10 AM

The pilot experiment is TUESDAY the 26th of April, at 12:30, half an hour after the next seminar. We meet in the Master students' computer room on the 3rd floor of Eilert Sundts hus (room 350). Participation is voluntary and you don't need to registre.

I don't think it will take more than 30 minutes, rather a bit less. After the pilot, I'll explain what the experiment is supposed to be about. I'll get some sweets or cake.

Hope many of you show up!


Published Apr. 16, 2016 5:56 PM

I have received some question as to whether this paper is in the curriculum.

The general idea of K?szegi and Rabin - that the reference point is the expected outcome - is discussed in the survey of the Endowment effect, Actually it is quite central to the discussion. For this reason I have both discussed the paper in class and in a seminar. Still, the papaer is not mandatory reading. You only need to know the discussion in the survey paper.

Kjell Arne

Published Apr. 11, 2016 10:50 AM

I will conduct a pilot experiment after the last seminars of the course. The whole procedure will take about 40 minutes. All students of ECON4260 are invited to participate. It would be very helpful for me if as many of you as possible participated, and it could give you an insight on how experiments can be run in economics. The experiment is in Norwegian, but you are welcome to the pilot even if your Norwegian is rudimentary only.

Possible dates and times are:

Monday 25/04/ at 14:30

Tuesday 26/04/ at 12:30

You can indicate here whether you would be available at one or both of these times. I will then inform you via email and on the course page at what time the pilot is going to take place. Thanks a lot for your interest!

Anna Pauls

Published Feb. 17, 2016 7:00 AM
Published Jan. 31, 2016 10:46 PM

Problem 2 in the first seminar set lack a real question. The question is:

Why is choosing the second sequence over the first an example of the conjunction fallacy?

To what extend to the subject you ask committ the fallacy, and do sophisticated subject do better than the unsophisticated?

Published Jan. 11, 2016 2:52 PM

Please make note that the lectures will be given at different auditoriums during the semester. The schedule on the semester page is always up to date as it is linked to the booking system.

One lecture will e.g. be held in KB (Kristine Bonnevie's hus) which is the biology building. Click the link Next to the auditorium number to get a map and further explanation on where to og.