
Published Nov. 19, 2009 7:09 PM

A guide for utility and welfare maximization with altruism can be found at the end of the suggested solutions for Seminar 6

Published Nov. 11, 2009 5:39 PM

Extra seminar: There will be an extra, voluntary seminar without teacher participation. Two alternative dates and locations are offered for this: Tuesday Nov 24, 14.15 - 16.00, Seminar room 101, Harriet Holter's house Tuesday Dec 1, 14.15 - 16.00, Seminar room 202, Harriet Holter's house Problem set: Problem 3 from ECON4260 exam Fall 2007, see Suggested solutions will be handed out in class when the seminar starts. Proposed procedure (students must organize this themselves): Each student prepares written answers before class. In class, each hands his/her answers to the person sitting next in line/row. 20 - 30 minutes (or as needed) is spent correcting/commenting on the other student's answers. Then, answers are handed back to their author (along with corrections/comments); some minutes allowed for reading the comments; then discuss the problem in class.

Published Oct. 29, 2009 1:33 PM

This is an invitation to participate in a periodic course evaluation for ECON4260.

The evaluation is done on the internet (open from november) and the deadline for giving your answer is December 15th. Please note that there are questions concerning exams, so preferably you should not answer this form until after your exam. Your answer will be anonymous.

Click here to find the evaluation form

Published Sep. 22, 2009 10:05 AM

We plan to pre-test an experiment at the seminar groups today. The seminar times will be as before (one group 14:15-16 and one 16:15-18). The first group meet at the regular classrom to discuss the assignment before break and we will move to 1220 in the 12th floor ES, during break, to do the experiment there. The second group will start at 1220 and move down to the regular room for the part of the seminar. The second group can go directly to 1220 at 16:15.

Published Sep. 19, 2009 4:01 PM

Some literature links do not function. They will be corrected by Tuesday 22 September.

Published Sep. 9, 2009 11:52 AM

The contact students are

Kristin Thorvaldsen: krithorv at

Katarina Haukaas: katarieh at

(replace at with @)

Published Aug. 28, 2009 1:48 PM

There will be no lecture in the seminar time in week 36.(Unfortunately, an incorrect message remained on the site too long).

Published Aug. 9, 2009 11:47 PM

Lectures starts on August 19th. There will be no lectures in week 35, (August 26th).