Syllabus/achievement requirements

General equilibrium

Snyder, C., Nicholson, W. and Steward, R. Microeconomic Theory: Basic principles and extensions, 2015. Cengaged Learning. ISBN: 9781473704787. Chapters 11 (exerpts up to page 331), 12, 13, 15 (up to page 448), 17.

Supplementary readings

@ Alchian, A., and Demsetz, H. Production, Information Costs and Economic Organization, 1972. American Economic Review, 62(5): pp. 777-795.

@ Schmalensee, R. and Stavins, R. The SO2 Allowance Trading System: The Ironic History of a Grand Policy Experiment, 2013. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27(1): pp. 103-122.

Economics of information

Laffon, J. J. and Martimot, D. The Theory of Incentives: the Principal Agent Model, 2002. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN: 0691091838. Chapter 2 (intro, 2.1-2.9, 2.12, 2.15), chapter 4 (4.1-4.4, 4.7, 4.8) and chapter 6 (intro, 6.1-6.2).

Supplementary readings

@ Akerlof, G. Behavioral Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Behavior, 2001, Nobel Prize Lecture

@ Akerlof, G., The Market for "Lemons": Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism, 1970. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84(3): pp.488-500.

@ Baron, D. P and Myerson, R. B. Regulating a Monopolist with Unknown Costs, 1982. Econometrica, 50(4): pp 911-930.

@ Freixas and Laffont. Optimal banking contracts in Essays in Honor of Edmond Malinvaud, 1990 . Vol. 2, Macroeconomics, ed. P. Champsaur and al. MIT Press, Cambridge.

@ Holmstrom, B. and Tirole, J. Financial intermediation, loanable funds, and the real sector, 1997. Quarterly Journal of Economics 112(3): pp. 663-692.

@ Maskin E. and Riley, J. Monopoly with Incomplete Information, 1984. The RAND Journal of Economics, 15(2): pp. 171-196.

@ Mussa, M., and Rosen, S. Monopoly and Product Quality, 1978. Journal of Economic Theory, 18(2): pp. 301-317.

@ Stiglitz, J. Incentives and Risk Sharing in Sharecropping, 1974. The Review of Economic Studies. 41(2): pp. 219–255

@ Stiglitz, J. Information and The Change in The Paradigm in Economics, 2001, Nobel Prize Lecture.

Published Nov. 15, 2018 1:19 PM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2018 1:19 PM