Messages - Page 2

Published Aug. 29, 2013 8:04 AM

The subscripts in the FWL section of Lecture note 1 have been corrected, and I have added a little bit more text.

I have also posted (in a zip file), data and code (.fl file) with an example wth NLS estimation. It will turn up again CC 2 and in the exercise set to Seminar 2.


Published Aug. 28, 2013 8:35 AM

Well, the batch file from lecture 1 is under Data sets and codes!


Published Aug. 28, 2013 8:30 AM

The second slide set is out. Before the lecure at 12:15 also two short lecture notes that will be used for reference.

Note that I have also posted the batch file that we used in lecture 1 for the example on page 15 in Davidson and MacKinnon. (It is under CC though) I have put in several comments so that to make it a possible start for using the PcGive batch language.


Published Aug. 26, 2013 2:27 PM

The slide set to tomorrow's computer class.

A file called Lect.fl that document the analysis we did on Ch 1.3 in the book in Lecture 1 last week 




Published Aug. 23, 2013 3:34 PM

Dear all,

We know that several of you have been eager to install OxMetrics on your own computer. We are therefore pleased to announce that OxMetrics has now successfully been uploaded to Fronter. Simply go to the room called ECON4160 - PcGive course 1 2013, then enter Arkiv (Archive) and start downloading the zip-file. Please confer the instructions in Installing OxMetrics on your own computer to ensure that the installation process goes smooth.

With this, we hope you get an entertaining weekend with you newly acquired software!

Ragnar and André

Published Aug. 21, 2013 3:13 PM

8.15-10 turned out to be correct . Hope to see you there nevertheless.


Published Aug. 20, 2013 2:34 PM

at 12:15. Aud 4 in ES. I have posted at slide set that you may want to bring to the lecture, as a paper copy or on your laptop or on your "pad".


Ragnar N



Published Aug. 16, 2013 2:05 PM


We've now uploaded the some zip-files containing the data sets we will use in the first computer class! We have also uploaded a set of notes: 

- A note introducing you to OxMetrics (it would be very beneficial to the dynamics of the course if you could have a look at that before the first CC)

- A note on how you can install OxMetrics on your own computer

- A note on mis-specification testing (read before CC#1) and a note on the natural logarithm (also read prior to CC#1)

Looking forward to meeting you all,

André and Ragnar

Published Aug. 12, 2013 2:40 PM

Teaching begins 21 august with a lecture which outlines the course, and which reviews some of the main results from (a course in) Introductory econometrics with the use of matrix algebra. See the plan for lectures and computer classes posted under Lectures.

More information and material to the computer classes and seminars will follow over the next days.

Welcome to Econometrics-Modeling and system estimation !

Andre K Anundsen and Ragnar Nymoen