Various messages: a correction; that lottery; availability; ...?

  • First, concerning the exam: I assume everybody knows that the exam is open-book, and that by now you have gotten used to the new location.
    The problem set is English only, but - see the first link - you can write your papers in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.
  • The solution note for 2016 had the sign of the beta in 4(b) wrong. I hacked the PDF and uploaded, but you do not need it if you just change the sign "by hand".
  • Availability before the exam: Tuesday (the day before the exam), I (Nils) have a Mathematics 2 review 1015-12 and possibly extended as long as they need it, but after that I will be available. Thu+Fri+Mon: drop by, or send e-mail to be sure. 
  • The lottery tokens for catching my errors: G?ril submitted four (you must have lost some ... and you corrected me on the 12th as well).  I think she said Henrik has one.  Please let me know by e-mail by the end of this week, and I'll make a draw. (Prize: 100*pi kroner Akademika giftcard.)


Published May 16, 2017 1:19 PM - Last modified May 16, 2017 1:23 PM