Seminar problems

I have posted seminar problems, I paste them below as well.
For this week, doing part 1-13 (b) without part (a): BX is linear in X, and by positive definiteness, X'AX is (strictly) convex. Therefore, the first-order condition 2AX + B = 0 is necessary and sufficient, and there is unique solution because A is definite and therefore invertible. Now solve. 

The problems for next week:

  • Compute the double integral of xey (the same integrand as in 4-05!) over the domain bounded by y = 0, x = 1 and y = x - both the order it stands and by reversing the order of integration.
  • 4-08 for drilling trigonometric functions
  • 4-09 (ditto)
  • 5-06 
  • 5-14
  • 6-01
  • 6-11 (a)
  • 6-12 (a)
  • 6-08
  • 6-13
  • 6-02 (a); and try to show the particular solution in part (b) before class, I will use it as example. You do not need part (a) for that.
Published Mar. 17, 2015 7:19 PM - Last modified Mar. 17, 2015 7:20 PM