Due to illness, the results will not be published until Tuesday, January 7.
The seminars next week will be in the computer room (HH035) on monday at 16.15-18.00. Please have a go at the exercise before you come to class, so we have a chance to get through at least 1-7.
The topic of this lecture will be "Matching (selection on observables)".
The mid term will be handed out Thu next week, Oct 10, after the lecture. Hand in date will be one month later, Nov 10.
EDIT: Change of plans. We will instead solve seminar exercise 5 in the computer room. The regular seminars will then go out, and we will meet at the Exercises/Stata course time (monday 17.15 or thursday 16.15). The exercise is available in fronter.
Next week, we will have a practice session solving the final exercise for this weeks seminar.
As with the seminar, there is no Stata course this week.
Because there is no lecture this week (Week 38), there will be no seminar next week to avoid the topics from getting ahead of the lectures.
The Stata course in week 38 will be a practice session where you will work individually on the final exercise from Seminar 3 (bootstrapping).
You can find material for the seminars and the STATA course in Fronter. Log on using the recent version (not the old), and navigate to Documents/Dokumenter. Note that future exercises for the seminars will be posted only to fronter.