[Updated message] A few details

Alice Ciccone will do the next few lectures. She might discuss / announce updates to the schedule if they seem appropriate; however, the possible alignment with Mathematics 3 (mentioned in the very first message) seems not too feasible. (You are however most welcome to the lectures - chances are that you will appreciate some of them in other courses.)


  • Notice that an "Old exam problems etc" link has shown up in the left margin on the spring 2014 webpage (but not when you view this message only!).
    • Seminar problems will be taken from those.
    • It may be a good idea to leave a few recent full sets unseen in order to simulate an exam later in the semester.  
  • If you want to start solving problems before I announce them, please go to the autumn 2014 webpage; there might be deviations every now and then, and after Wednesday lectures I will know how far we got that week.
Published Jan. 20, 2015 10:26 PM