For seminar #1: 18, 22, 32, 36 and 117. For seminar #2: 43, 49, 88 (a), 94, 100 (a--b) and 126. For seminar #3: 21, 28 (not easy!), 49, 77, 100 (c), 109 and 120. Oops, I see that I assigned 49 twice. Now I'll assign 120 for the second time: For seminar #4: Integration exercises (as preliminaries): 53 (a), (b), 104, 119. Differential equations: 84, 111, 134. Also, do 120 again, but this time as a linear differential equation rather than a separable one. Notice that there is no teaching in week 9. For seminar #5, week 10: I will recycle some of Arne Str?m's problems from this spring: Do the problems stated at EXCEPT the exam problems. In addition, do exam problems 5(b), 5(c), 52(c), 59(a), 59(c), and 37 except the determinant |A|. For seminar #6, week 11: 46, 69, 82 (c), 124 (c), 108, 128 For seminar #7, week 12: 58 and 66, and the entire spring 2009 exam. For problem 4(a), you need to use partial fractions: write 1/(u(u-1)) as A/u + B/(u-1). For seminar #8, week 13: Exam autumn 2010 problem 3. (Note: You might not be too well prepared for part (a). For part (b), use the _result_ from part (a), regardless of whether you managed to solve it.) Exam autumn 2010 problem 4, the Lagrange parts of (a) and (b). (The rest will be assigned for later.) From the compendium: 30, 106 except part (d), 138 (a), and 129 (a); 129 (b) is a bit tricky, but try that one too. For seminar #9, week 16: * Re Problem 30 from the compendium: You solved this by Lagrange. Replace the equality sign in the constraint by less-than-or-equal, consider merely the maximization problem, and use your calculations from the Lagrange problem to check which points satisfy the Kuhn--Tucker conditions. * Autumn 2010 #4 (a), (b); you have already done the Lagrange part, now do the Kuhn--Tucker part. Recycle as much as possible from your old calculations! * Do Spring 2008 #4 * Do Spring 2010 #1. For the problem in part (b), do also (i) state the Kuhn--Tucker conditions associated to the problem, and (ii) check whether they are satisfied by any point on the axes. * Do problem 2 from the compendium, where you do part (b) as a Kuhn--Tucker problem. * Do problem 19 from the compendium, where you do part (b) as a Kuhn--Tucker problem. * Do problem 1 from the note available on (Problem 2 from that note is totally optional, and is meant as an illustration on why you might need Kuhn--Tucker later in your study. It will not be covered in the seminar.) For seminar #10, week 17: some max/min, some differentiation, some review: Autumn 2010 #4 again -- this time, do part (c) 106 part (d) 138 part (b) 86 Autumn 2008 #2 Autumn 2009 #3 123 124 (a) and (b) 131 For seminar #11, week 19: Topics from week 17: do exam problem 31 and the "3, alternative II" on first page of Other problems: 24, 51, 65, 73.