
Published May 18, 2011 3:51 PM

The exam is approaching and I know from experience that many of you will have some questions about old problems etc. You are welcome to knock on my door (room 1119) at any time, but your best bet will be after lunch. I'll try to be available at least between 13:30 and 15:00 daily, except on the 24th and 25th of May. Arne Str?m

Published May 4, 2011 10:35 PM

I have picked three problems in nonlinear programming from EMEA and MA2 that I think you ought to try to solve before Friday. For the convenience of those among you who don't have either of these books, I have reproduced the problems in a file that you can find as Homework 6/5 among the seminar problems.

About the exam: Remember that the exam in this course is an open book exam, meaning that you are allowed to bring both your textbooks and any other printed or written material. Calculators are also allowed (but no mobile phones, computers etc.).

Arne Str?m

Published Apr. 15, 2011 3:40 PM

P?sken?tter/Easter Problems. The next lecture is not until Tuesday 3 May, but don't just waste your time skiing and playing around. You now have the opportunity to work through another (voluntary) term paper, to be handed in that day (or before). If you did not get this paper in class today, you can find it on this page as "Voluntary term paper 2". I expect that all papers received before the deadline will be marked and returned to you on the 10th of May.

Term paper no. 1 has been marked and was returned to the guilty parties during today's lecture. If you were not there, you can pick up your paper at the reception on the 12th floor. And if there is no one there to help you, you may try to find me in room 1119.

I almost forgot: Problems for seminar no. 10, 2-6 May, are also available. There will also be seminars in the week 9-13 May.

Happy Easter!

Arne Str?m

Published Mar. 9, 2011 3:56 PM

There are no seminars in the week 14/3 - 18/3, but you can still do something useful during that week: in order to give you some practice in writing answers to mathematics problems I have put together a voluntary term paper that you may hand in for correction and marking no later than Friday 25 March. This paper is not compulsory and will not count in your final grade, but you are strongly advised to hand it in all the same. You ought to hand it in even if you have not been able to do all the problems. If you did not get this paper in class yesterday you can find it on this page under the heading Voluntary term paper. Arne Str?m

Published Mar. 1, 2011 7:17 PM

Constact student for ECON3120/4120 this term:

Marcus Theie.

E-mail address: mgtheie (at)

Published Feb. 10, 2011 3:30 PM

Wrong problem! Bad proofreading caused an error in the problems for seminar week 3 (14-18 February). If you have looked at the problems already you will have seen that problem 2 was the same as problem 3 in week 2. A corrected version of the problem set, with a different problem 2, is now on the website. I'm sorry about the confusion this may have caused! Arne Str?m

Published Jan. 27, 2011 11:52 PM

Change of auditorium: Beginning on the 1st of February, the Tuesday lectures are moved to Auditorium 2. One exception: on the 22nd of March the lecture will be in Auditorium 4. The time is the same as before, 16:15-18:00. Arne Str?m

Published Jan. 26, 2011 2:43 PM

Please note: The Tuesday seminar group is cancelled. Students who signed up for this group may move to one of the other two: Monday 16:15-18:00 or Wednesday 14:15-16:00. Arne Str?m