Term paper 2 has been …

Term paper 2 has been marked and "graded". All papers handed in were accepted as satisfactory. It seems that the problems were a bit too easy: 35 papers out of 76 scored 90 points or more (the maximum possible was 100), and another 29 papers got 80-89 points. The bottom score was 44 points. If you didn't get your paper back during last Thursday's lecture, you can pick it up together with solutions from the department office on the 12th floor. About the exam: Remember that you are allowed to bring all books, notes, and other written or printed matter with you, and pocket calculators too. Please don't try to save paper on the exam. That is not the time to think about protecting the environment. It is so much easier to read your papers if you allow yourself to write legibly and leave some white space between your paragraphs. If we cannot read what you have written, we assume that it is wrong!

If you have difficulties doing problems or understanding the theory in the textbooks, you are welcome to come and see me during the weeks before the exam. I will not always be in my office, but when I am, I am almost always willing to answer questions. Good luck! Arne Str?m

Published May 12, 2007 12:25 AM - Last modified May 23, 2007 9:42 AM