Updates, uploads, ...

The term paper relevant items first:

  • I've heard more questions on the (0,0,0) error in problem (h).  The message in Canvas tells you how to correct it yourselves - we did not actually update the problem set.
  • I've had requests from people who already have approved TPs on whether they can hand in to get feedback. 
    I like the idea, but the practical arrangement will in any case have to wait until after Canvas closes tomorrow. 

And then more uploads: 

  • This week's lecture notes posted.
  • I also drafted another formula page in the same document.  I am a bit unsure about the presentation, so I put it up as "draft" - please forward reactions to contact students. 
  • Seminar assignments updated with seminar 3. (On at least one occasion a problem uses said formula draft.) 
  • Tuomas uploaded more video to Canvas.


Finally, I should put up office hours where I will be available. Looking at all the micro/macro/math lectures and seminars, it seems that Thursday 13:15-14 could be an idea? Lecture 10-12, one hour to get fresh air and lunch and sort out questions, and then ...? If you have teaching that time (and intend to ask questions!) please leave me a note; if that is only a handful of you, we could very well find other times for when you need it.
I try to maintain a general open-door policy when I am here, so don't be afraid of knocking on my door. 

Tuomas is yours for the next couple of weeks at least - we'll see how far he gets and when it is convenient for a switch.


Published Sep. 5, 2019 4:10 PM - Last modified Sep. 5, 2019 4:10 PM