Schedule nailed. If you need hand-in #4 approved: instructions will be posted.

There is lecture tomorrow and mock exam for next Thursday.

  • Three of you told me that tomorrow does not fit you. All three are on 4310, which has no lecture next Tuesday.
    • I will post lecture notes after tomorrow. If you request, I will be available for next Tuesday's 4310 timeslot to repeat what needs to be repeated. 

The problem set for hand-in #4 will be the "mock exam set" ...

  • ... although, if you need hand-in #4 approved: 
    There will be instructions on precisely what will count for hand-in #4. See Canvas.
  • The problem set will hopefully be available by this week (I have sent a draft off to a colleague). 
    It will be up to you whether you want to keep it unseen until the mock exam.

If you want to take the mock exam - or even do it earlier: 

  • Submissions within Thursday 24th will be graded first, however submissions from those who actually need hand-in #4 will have the top priority. 


Published Oct. 16, 2019 1:48 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2019 1:48 PM