Mock exam shaping up for Thu 24th

Most of you won't "need" the last attempt to sit in for the exam, so we can do that mock exam thing even if that means a later deadline. Please read. In brief first, then elaborating on notes. 

  1. First thing first: The extra lecture this Thursday 17th.
            See notes before if it doesn't suit you.
  2. For the mock exam: Thursday 24th is possible.
            Proposal: 0800-1200 (because the exam is 4 hours), the usual place Aud7. 
            See notes below.
  3. I suggest: Bring your own print-out of the formula collection. (This is a voluntary thing, no cheating checks.)
  4. I suggest: feel free to bring your own paper.
            "Hand in" by submitting to Canvas later the day. 
            (You can always resubmit on the deadline if you want to revise.)
  5. Deadline will be pushed out; likely to Thursday 31st (there is no lecture that day). Note, "likely" and "Thursday".

How does that sound?

So more notes on the individual items here:

  1. Notes on extra lecture.              
    • I had as of now only one person notifying me it does not fit.
    • For those, I might just redo that lecture later, for example on the empty 4310 slot the upcoming week.   
    • ... provoking the obvious question: why then hurry it for the Thu 17th? That lecture will also facilitate more linear algebra training for the seminar set, which again prepares for the mock exam. So I'd like to offer it before the seminars.
  2. Mock exam time and room:
            The reason for the 0800 time is to get it in auditorium 7. I think that is a good thing for you to be able to show up the known place. If no more than sixty show up, nobody will have to share a double seat. (Fill up from the front!)
    • Other rooms at Blindern are also available, including some bigger, but not in Eilert Sundts hus.
    • If you desperately want 0900-1300 like the exam, we need to relocate to a different building. 
    • ... or Friday. But I prefer Thursday to have more time to grade them. 
  3. BYO formulas printout. This is just for my logistics. Or "my" might include aides ... a pile of single sheets might just be put in a drawer the day before.
  4. To reduce time taken to pack together and leave (Aud7 is taken from 1215), and to match paper with student, I suggest that you just take it with you and scan it and submit it later that day.              
    • This does not restrict your rights to submit a paper on the deadline, if you need it. But if you have already had one accepted ... 
    • Priority for the grading queue: 
                      (1) Those who submit on the day AND need #4 approved, will have feedback ASAP if they need to improve by the submission deadline.
                      (2) Others who submit on the day
                      (3) everyone else. 
  5. The original deadline was intended to be 25th - that is of course not a good idea anymore. So this will be pushed out, say, one week. Stay tuned for the exact deadline. 

As for your hand-ins #3, the results will be posted tomorrow. Fewer fails at #3 than at #2 than at #1. But my, how you just love dividing by [things that could be] zero ... 

- Nils

Published Oct. 14, 2019 2:42 PM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2019 2:42 PM