Hand-in results announced, schedule updated (TBD tomorrow's lecture!) and formulas updated

  • Entered into the schedule:
    Lecture this Thursday instead of mock exam next Thursday. Also updated the schedule topics.
    • If no objections by tomorrow's lecture, then it is decided. (Therefore, I will post a Canvas announcement too - sorry if that increases the spam factor.) 
    • If you truly dislike mock exam at 0800 (not even 0815!):
      Feel free to allocate yourselves 9-13 or 10-14, but that auditorium is not available then after 12.
      (I could assist in booking a smaller room!)
  • Hand-in results published, please see bubble comments. We worked quite extensively on this one too, the main reasons why we were done earlier were that we started earlier (even before the deadline) - and that you wrote less strange things. 
    • A solution is posted in Canvas, together with a note ranting off over your passionate aversion against checking for zero before dividing.
    • Fail rate decreasing even further! Well so did no-shows, but ... hopefully you are converging to your best as time converges to the exam. That is the purpose of these hand-ins.
  • Minor updates to the formula collection. Now it should be done up to anything you could use for the mock exam.

See you tomorrow!

- Nils

Published Oct. 15, 2019 11:44 AM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2019 11:53 AM