Messages - Page 2
- Lecture: 10:15 tomorrow (unlike last two Tuesdays).
All remaining Math2 lectures are scheduled for 10:15. - Workshops are moved to Auditorium 3 starting the upcoming Friday.
(Not 2, due to availability.)
So Eric covered not only the rest of the max/min theory, but also homogeneous functions. Next week will start with homothetic ones; then the elasticity of substitution and more on limits: in particular, l'H?pital's rule for limits that tend to "0/0" or "infinity/infinity".
Friday's solutions in Canvas. A -7 corrected to -1/7.
Bring them on!
- The lecture notes, the typeset page (21), first bullet item had an inequality wrong. Is now corrected to: f'' less than or equal to 0 everywhere <==> f concave.
- Also, some have been asking about other errors that have been corrected ... not so strange, given the amount of text I have put out here. Sorry.
- A live document at /studier/emner/sv/oekonomi/ECON4120/h19/seminarproblems.html - linked to in Canvas, from the course webpage, and from the table in the schedule. A bit too much text to be convenient for the latter.
- If you have already seen it, please reload - I for...
- Compulsory hand-in: Term paper set number 1 published in Canvas. (Content as the draft I just removed.)
- If you already have approved the compulsory activity from a previous semester, that should appear in StudentWeb.
- Lecture notes updated (twice - the most recent has links to Wolfram Alpha on pp 22-23), with corrections to today's error galore (for my birthday, I wanted a less - not more! - demented brain ...)
Fixes:- The x vs z last example on the typeset page
- The find-and-classify: For the board, I copied wrong formula from Wolfram Alpha, an expression was missing. You should find it by text-searching for "Correction".
- The Lagrange problem: I managed both to square wrong and to lose a "2". Way to go ...
- Tuomas has finalized the first video presentation (four snippets of a total 22 minutes on differentials and log manipulation). I have transcoded them down to...
- I updated the lecture scan with what is going to be first out tomorrow. Typeset. It attempts at clarifying when you can say "no conclusion".
- After that: as an example, the function given in the updated problem set's number "0".
- If you want to check your second derivatives, Wolfram Alpha is fairly good, but you should use a "Hessian matrix" query. Here it is for that "problem 0" function. The "Result" is a matrix where you find the xx-derivative top-left, the yy-derivative bottom-right, and the cross derivative on the two other positions. The "Hessian determinant" is the h(x,y)=AC-B^2 thing.
- I've had several questions on what literature to prepare for each day. Go to the lecture schedule and see the rightmost colum...
- So, stressing around in the break, I forgot about contact students.
I got two volunteers (can you e-mail me your names, please?). If anyone else wants to be part of the team ...? - For tomorrow, please form an opinion on how you have progressed in the problems posted (updated today!) - and what problems you would like to see solved on Friday.
- The seminar schedule, which I commented had to be wrong: yes, there are too many.
There will not be any seminar Mon 26th and Wed 28th; seminars will start Fri 30th. (Also, Nov. 22nd will be removed, so last seminar will be Nov. 20th.) This will be updated soon.
(There will still be one seminar too many. We'll find one to cancel.) - Most likely, term paper 1 will have deadline Friday Sep. 6th at 1400. It will be covered in the next seminar - Friday 6th starting 15 minutes later, Mon 9th, Wed 11th.
- I uploaded the draft...
Fixed, thanks to the one who notified me.
Notes 1&2 in one document in the folder
So today I got to the middle of a "first-derivative test" example. I uploaded some more problems to Canvas (will migrate them to the course web site by today or tomorrow).
For tomorrow I will (first?) cover all the information items that I have pushed out til then:
- Curriculum was asked: English OR Norwegian from here. Curriculum is not changed from last year, but the changes in exam format is likely to change focus slightly.
- Exam: Now 4 hours (up from 3) with either of the two approved calculators.
- You can no longer bring book or notes.
- There will be a collection of formulae/recipes accompanying the problem set.
- I will show you a draft of the beginning of it tomorrow, and the relevant part should be final before the term paper.
- Did I say term paper? Information tomorrow.
- By now I want a...
... and I am closing in on first term paper problem set too. See you tomorrow!
- Nils
The course will start on the upcoming Monday 19th. There are a few things that are new this semester, and presumably you would want us to spend a bit of time to inform you on the course in general and the new elements in particular.
However: Since you should start solving problems as early as possible, I suggest to get straight at the math for the first couple of days, review functions, get done with exponential functions and logarithms - and then, probably on Wednesday, spend half an hour on a course overview: What you will be expected to learn, what is this new course layout, what is new about the compulsory activities, what is new about the exam format, how should the "workshop" work, etc.
And by that time I also want a contact student - or a team of two or three. I would like to have ones who can gather information every two lectures or so about what was possible to grasp and what was not, and give feedback on what needs...
Matematisk institutt har oppfriskningskurs i matematikk 5. til 9. august, p?melding her senest i l?pet av f?rste forelesning.
Mer informasjon vil bli oppdatert, siden nettsiden for Matematikk og ?konomi-programmet peker p.t. til en eldre versjon av kurset. Om kurskompendiet holdes uendret, s? vil f?lgende redegj?re for hvilke kapitler som er relevante for Matematikk 2.
- "Oppvarming". Kapittel 1 er mathspeak og inneholder noen notasjon som vil bli brukt.
Andre ting i kapittelet er mer i kategorien "greit ? ha sett", selv om personen nevnt i fotnote 1 side 9 ikke er kursansvarlig for Matematikk - "Potenser og logaritmer". Kapittelet slutter omtrent der Matematikk 2 begynner: exp/ln.
- "Funksjoner". Matematikk 2 vil forutsette at dere kan dette. Hvis ikke - g? p? kurset.
- "Polynomer og rasj...