Uploads, information - and request for feedback


  • "Prettified" notes from today uploaded.  
  • Also a new set of "more fundamental" problems.  
    (Yes it is easy to make mistakes on these too!  They are "fundamental" in the sense that you might go very wrong if you don't get this right from the beginning.)

Consultation hours: 

Contact student appointed:

  • Olav Abrahamsen.  For his e-mail, see Canvas, first headline under "Lectures". 
  • I intend to consult him often.  Please forward any reactions to him while I can still adjust, I only have six lectures left.
  • In particular, on notes/slides: 
    • Does the format of preview notes/slides/write on slides/upload afterwards work with you?  
    • Please forward opinions to Olav within Friday afternoon, so I can take them on board in preparing Tuesday's lecture.

Concerning Tuesday: Store Fysiske again, so I cannot write on slides the same way then (but that topic is well fit to board and chalk, I think) - but I still intend to post something in advance, though, depending on what you might offer of feedback through Olav.


Published Sep. 26, 2018 7:45 PM - Last modified Sep. 26, 2018 7:46 PM