Schedule fixed, and more.

It's about time that the schedule is final :-)

  • Taylor won't take all Wednesday, so the rest of the time will be spent on reviewing integration and differential eq.'s.
  • A review lecture is announced for Tuesday 27th at 1200.  Three hours allocated just to be sure we don't get thrown out. That lecture will start on the spring 2018 exam ...
  • ... and luckily one of you has already helped debug the solution. If there is no "typewriter-font" notification of bugfix on page 1 in your solution document, please reload.
  • Nils will not be available next week. Conference, has promised to present something involving a nasty partial differential equation system, and is busy tearing the hair off his head.
    (Yeah, the trouble is the limiting behaviour at zero extraction, how could you guess?)


Published Nov. 12, 2018 4:43 PM - Last modified Nov. 12, 2018 4:43 PM