No requests for today?

As of 45 mins before the review lecture, I have received no requests. I will poll you at the beginning of the session, and then I plan to go on with

  • some general considerations: what you are "allowed to know"  etc., no need to quote question, no need to cite book pages ... example at the end.
  • spring 2018 problem 1,
    • then say something about "other common question types for this topic",
  • spring 2018 problem 2
    • ... ditto
  • on until the problem set is done
  • a few words about other bits and pieces: change of base (recall TP!), homogeneity/homotheticity, higher order appr's, elasticity of substitution, 




So above I said "example at the end". Here is one: You MUST check whether you are allowed to use l'H?pital before you apply it. On the other hand, you need not show that a function like ln(x(1-x)) is continuous wherever it is defined - but the domain you do indeed need to be aware of. For example, you cannot use the extreme value theorem on this function on the closed set [0,1], because it is not defined on the entire closed interval. (And so it cannot be continuous on the entire closed interval.) 

Published Nov. 27, 2018 11:36 AM - Last modified Nov. 27, 2018 11:36 AM