A few messages in both …
A few messages in both languages:
- Norsk pensumlitteratur: Det er fullt mulig ? benytte gammel versjon av Matematisk analyse bind 1. Undervisningsplanen har referanser til begge. De norske b?kene har ikke online-l?ringssressursen 'MyMathLab'; kurset kommer ikke til ? forutsette bruk av denne, men enkelte av dere kan kanskje ?nske det for egen del.
- English curriculum: There is a new 4th version of the English textbook (Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis) now available, and is updated with the online learning resource 'MyMathLab'. It will not be required (but some of you might want to have access to it for solving problems on your own), and you can still use older versions. The teaching plan is not yet fully updated with the new section numbering (but the first couple of weeks should be OK).
- Warm-up problems (ogs? p? norsk): To get hands-on before the seminars start, try this problem set from 2011
Published Aug. 14, 2012 4:38 PM
- Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:23 PM