Problems for seminar #1, are all taken from the exam problem collection, except the last which is just quoted below: * You will need: - recall the definition of inflection point, which is where f'' changes sign. - the intermediate value theorem, which will be given in the Monday 5th lecture: If f is continuous on [a,b] and f(a)<00, on which y is a function of x. Then y can be solved explicitely as y= ln C - ln x, but in problems (a)--(c) you are asked to NOT solve this way, but use the implicit calculations rules: (a) Compute the MRS = - dy/dx on this level curve using implicit differentiation. (b) Compute the elasticity of y wrt. x (c) Compute the elasticity of substitution of F by using the fomula in the book (d) Verify your answers in (a)--(c) by calculating in a different manner (in (a), (b) use the form y = ln C - ln x, while in (c) calculate the ratio d ln (y/x) / d ln MRS.