
Published Nov. 27, 2008 3:14 PM

Term paper: There were three misprints (only one of them serious) in the answer to Problem 6 in the file (dated 24.11) that was posted on the web and handed out together with your marked papers. The serious one was in the evaluation of the determinant of the matrix A. It should end with

= a(a - 1)(-a + 1) = -a(a - 1)^2


= a(a - 1)(-1 + a) = -a(a - 1)^2

(which is wrong). A corrected version (dated 27.11) has now been posted on the web.

Published Nov. 24, 2008 1:23 PM

Term paper: Your voluntary papers have been marked. Those of you who did not get your papers back from me this morning can pick them up at the department reception on the 12th floor. There will be an extra session on Wednesday 26 November, 10:15 - 12:00, in Auditorium 3 (not 2) to discuss the highlights of the problems, the most serious errors, etc. Arne Str?m

Published Nov. 10, 2008 3:38 PM

Term paper: To give you a chance to practice writing mathematics, I have made up a voluntary term paper containing six problems for you to try. You can then hand your papers in to have them marked and corrected. If at all possible, I would like to get your papers on Friday 14 November, but if you cannot manage that, you can hand them in at the department office on the 12th floor. Remember: first come, first marked. Arne Str?m

Published Oct. 31, 2008 1:00 AM

About the exam: The exam in ECON3120/4120 Mathematics 2 is an "open book exam", where you are allowed to bring and use all printed or written material (books, lecture notes, etc.), as well as pocket calculators (make sure your batteries are OK).

Published Oct. 17, 2008 3:41 PM

Contact students this term are:

  • Maria Brunborg Hoen
  • ?ystein L?seth

E-mail addresses:

  • maria.hoen at
  • oysteinloseth at

(replace at by @).

Published Oct. 13, 2008 12:30 PM

The lecture with Arne Str?m Friday 24 October kl.10.15 is moved to Ullev?l Kino.

Published Sep. 4, 2008 11:19 AM

The exam problem collection (in Norwegian) is now available in Kopiutsalget in Akademika! If you cannot use the Norwegian version, please contact me for a copy in English. Arne Str?m

Published Sep. 3, 2008 2:35 PM

NB NB The seminars are cancelled this week (week 36).

Published Aug. 19, 2008 10:42 PM

Time change. The first lecture in ECON3120/4120 will be on Wednesday 20 August, 11:15-12:00, not 10.15-12.00. A.S.