Syllabus/achievement requirements

ECON4120 is the course number for the master students. ECON3120 is the coursenumber for the bachelor students.

Reading list

Knut Syds?ter Matematisk analyse, bind 1, 7. utg., Gyldendal Akademisk (2000). Pensum er kapitlene 1-14 og appendiks A, med unntak av avsnittene 6.7, 6.9, 8.5-8.7, 10.5, 12.8 og A.4.

Knut Syds?ter og Bernt ?ksendal Line?r algebra 4. utg., Universitetsforlaget (1996). Pensum er avsnittene 2.1-2.4, 2.6, 3.1-3.5, 4.1, 5.1-5.5, 6.1-6.3.

An English equivalent of the Norwegian version is available:

K. Syds?ter og P. Hammond Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Financial Times Prentice Hall (2002). The entire book, except Sections 10.5-10.7, 14.7, 14.8, and 16.9.

Published May 4, 2004 12:31 PM - Last modified May 10, 2004 1:01 PM