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Innf?ring i forl?psanalyse


D?delighet: forskjeller mellom land og mellom kj?nn, betydningen av sosial status og familie

N?ss, Rognerud, Strand: Sosial ulikhet i helse. En faktarapport., 2007. Folkehelseinstituttet. Pp. 7-25.

Statistisk Sentralbyr?: Befolkningsstatistikk, 2006:d?de,

Kravdal, ?., E. Grundy. T. Lyngstad, and K.Aa. Wiik. (2012).  Family life history and late mid-life mortality in Norway. Population and Development Review 38: 237-257.

Ross.C.E. and Mirowski, J.: Refining the association between education and health: The effects of quantity, credential and selectivity, 1999. Demography 36 (4): 445-460. 

Shkolnikov et al. 2013. Components and possible determinants of the decrease in Russian mortality in 2004-2010. Demographic Research 28: 917-950. 

Mesle, F. and Vallin, J.: Mortality in Europe: The divergence between East and West, 2002. Population 57: 157-198. 

Elo, I. 2009. Social class differentials in health and mortality: Patterns and explanations in comparative perspective. Annual Review of Sociology 35: 553-572. 

Fruktbarhet: Periode-kohort, ?konomisk teori, sosiologiske perspektiver, pro-natalistisk politikk. Detaljert beskrivelse av de siste ?rs utvikling

Kravdal, ?.: The importance of economic activity, economic potential and economic resources for the timing of first birth in Norway, 1994. Population Studies 48: 248-267. 

Kravdal & Rindfuss 2008. Changing relationships between education and fertility – a study of women and men born 1940-64. American Sociological Review 73: 854-873. 

Kravdal, ?.: Korte notater om fruktbarhetsutviklingen. Deles ut av foreleseren.

Kravdal, ?.: How the local supply of day-care centers influences fertility in Norway: A parity-specific approach, 1996. Population Research and Policy Review 15 (3) : 201-218. 

Butz, W.P and Ward, M.P: The emergence of countercyclical US fertility, 1979. American Economic Review 69 (3) : 318-328. 

Lesthaeghe, R and Surkyn, J.: Cultural dynamics and economic theories of fertility change, 1988. Population and Development Review 14 (1): 1-45. 

Lesthaege, R.: Is there a new conservatism that will bring back the old family?, 1995. Proceedings from European Population Conference, Milan. 225-266. K.

Hess and ross: Demand of children, 1997. In Economic Development, Dryden Press, Fort work. 193-199. K.

Pampel, F.C.: Relative cohort size and fertility: The socio-political context of the Easterlin effect, 1993. American Sociological Review 58: 496-514 (kun 496-505, 510-511). 

Ermisch, J.: Econometric analysis of birth rate dynamics in Britain, 1988. Journal of Human Resources XXIII (4): 563-576 . K.

Blake, J.: Are babies consumer durables?, 1968. Population Studies 22 (1): 5-25 (kun 5-6, 15-25). 

Crimmins, E.M, Easterlin, R.A, Saito, Y.: Preference changes among American youth: family, work, and goods aspirations, 1991. Population and Development Review 17 (1): 115-133. 

Gauthier, A.H.: Towards renewed fears of popluation and family decline?, 1993. European Journal of Population 9 (2): 143-167. 

H?hn, C.: Population policies in advanced societies. Pronatalist and migration strategies., 1987. European Journal of Population 3: 469-481 (kun 461-466). 

Hoem, J.M.: Social policy and recent fertility decline in Sweden, 1990. Population and Development Review 16 (4) : 735-748. 

Torr and Short: Second births and second shift: A research note on gender equity and fertility, 2004. Population and Development Review 30: 109-130. 

Sleebos, J. : Low fertility rates in OECD-countries. Fact and Policy responses., 2003. OECD Labour Market and Social Policy Occational Papers 15. Artikkel i pdf.

Familie: framveksten av samboerskap, barn utenfor ekteskap, ?rsaker til og konsekvenser av skilsmisser

Diverse familiestatistikk deles ut til studentene. Denne er hentet fra bl.a. SSB og Christiansen 2013: Household and family development in the Nordic countries.

Kravdal, ?.: Wanting a child without a firm commitment to the partner: Interpretations and implications of a common behaviour pattern among Norwegian cohabitants, 1997. European Journal of Population 13: 269-298.

Kravdal, ?.: Does marriage require a stronger economic underpinning than informal cohabitation?, 1999. Population Studies 53: 63-80. 

Becker, G.S., Landes, E.M. and Michael, R.T.: An economic analysis of marital instability, 1977. Journal of Political Economy 86 (6). 1141-1187 (kun 1141-1157). .

Hoem, B. og Hoem, J.M.: The disruption of marital and non-marital. Unions in contemporary Sweden, 1992. I Trussel, J., Hankinson, R. og Tilton, J. (red) : Demographic Applications of Event History Analysis. Oxford: Garendon Press. 32 sider. K.

Amato,P.R.: Children's adjustment to divorce: Theories, hypotheses and empirical support, 1993. Journal of Marriage and the Family 55: 23-38. 

Cherlin et al.: Parental divorce in childhood and demographic outcomes in young adulthood, 1995. Demography 32 (3): 299-318. 

Steele, F., W.Sigle-Rushton and ?. Kravdal. 2009. Consequences of family disruption on children’s educational outcomes in Norway. Demography 46: 553-574. IKKE LES DET SOM ER STATISTISK AVANSERT. 

Lyngstad  og Jalovaara. 2010. A review of the antecedents of union dissolution. Demographic Research 23: 257-292. 

Innvandring: Forhold bak flyttestr?mmen fra nord til s?r. Innvandrernes demografiske atferd

Norges Offentlige utredninger 2011. Migrasjon og demografiske hovedtrekk. Kapittel 7. Side 161-181. 

T?nnessen M. 2013. Fruktbarhet hos innvandrerkvinner og d?tre av innvandrere. Flere barn, men f?rre per kvinne. Samfunnsspeilet 5/2013. 

Brunborg 2013: Hvor mange innvandrere er det og blir det i Norge? Samfunnsspeilet 3/2013. 

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Publisert 22. nov. 2013 11:17 - Sist endret 19. nov. 2019 13:48