1) Se timeplanen delt ut …

1) Se timeplanen delt ut p? forelesning

2) Artikkelen Kravdal, ?., E. Grundy. T. Lyngstad, and K.Aa. Wiik. 2012. Family life history and mortality: associations between combined marriage and childbearing histories and late mid life mortality in Norway. Forthcoming in Population and Development Review (deles ut eller sendes til studentene)

er p? pensum istedenfor

Kravdal, ?. (2001) The impact of marital status on cancer survival. Social Science and Medicine 52: 357-368

3) F?lgende oppsummeringsartikkel kommer dessuten i tillegg:

Elo, I. 2009. Social class differentials in health and mortality: Patterns and explanations in comparative perspective. Annual Review of Sociology 35: 553-572

Publisert 20. jan. 2012 20:41 - Sist endret 20. jan. 2012 20:42