Cource description
Short introduction to regression analysis, indirect estimation/stable population theory, infectious diseases, girls' excess mortality, AIDS, urbanization, migration, more about factors behind fertility decline, the impact of population growth on food production, environment and economic development
To provide knowledge about factors of importance for the mortality development and pattern, determinants of and consequences of urbanization, some important international migration streams, consequences of population growth, and (more than in the introductory course on) how fertility may be reduced. Some analytical techniques will be presented, and the students will get some experience in using them, so they may be able to do simple empirical analyses on their own later and better understand original demographic literature.
Reading list
- Introduction to regression analysis, with exercises
- Indirect estimation and stable population theory, with exercises
Newell, C. (1988). Methods and Models in Demography. Side 117-123, 130-150.
"Demographic models" Kap. 1 i United Nations (1983) Indirect Techniques for Demographic Estimation (New York, United Nations), side 11-16. K
"Fertility and mortality estimation using model stable age distributions" Kap. 7 i United Nations (1983) Indirect Techniques for Demographic Estimation (New York, United Nations), side 156-166. K
- Mortality: General determinants of mortality, combating infectious diseases, girls’ excess mortality, women’s status and education, AIDS
Olshansky, S. J. et al. (1997). "Infectious diseases – New and ancient threats to world health". Population Bulletin, 52 (2). Population Reference Bureau, Inc., Washington D.C. Utdrag 40 sider . K
United Nations. (1998). "The extent and casues of female disadvantage in mortality: An overview". In Too young to die, genes or gender. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division. ST/ESA/SER.A/155. Pp1-15. K
Yount (2001). "Excess mortality of girls in Middle East in the 1970s and 1980s: Patterns, correlates and gaps in research". Population Studies 55: 291-308. K
Caldwell, J.C. (1986): "Routes to low mortality in poor countries". Population and Development Review 12 (2): 171-182 og 204-211 er pensum. (Download the article from
Bloom, S.S., D. Wypij and M. Das Gupta. (2001). "Dimensions of women's autonomy and the influence of maternal health care utilization in a North Indian city". Demography 38: 67-78. K
Lamptey, P., M. Wigley, D. Carr and Y Collymore. (2002). "Facing the HIV/AIDS pandemic". Population Bulletin 57: 3 Population Reference Bureau, Inc., Washington D.C. 36 sider K
Caldwell, J.C. (2000). "Rethinking the African AIDS epidemic". Population and Development Review 117-135. (Download the article from
Feeney (2001) "The impact of HIV/AIDS on adult mortality in Zimbabwe". Population and Development Review 27: 771-780. K
Montgomery and Lloyd (1996). "Fertility and child health". In Ahlburg, Kelley and Mason (eds.) The impact of population growth on well-being in developing countries. Springer: Berlin. side 37-65. K
- Urbanisation/migration
Parnell, M. (1993): "Why people move", Population movements and the Third World, Routledge, London. 29 sider. K
Martin, P. & Widgren, J. (2002): "International migration: Facing the challenge". _Population Bulletin-, 57 (1), Population Reference Bureau, Inc., Washington D.C. 40 sider. K
- More about how fertility can be reduced
Kravdal, ?. (2002). "Education and fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: Individual and community effects". Demography 39: 233-250. (Will be handed out on lecture)
Rutenberg. N and S.C. Watkins (1997). "The buzz outside the clinics: Conversations and contraception in Nyanza Province, Kenya". Studies in Family planning 28: 290-310. (Download the article from
Freedman, R. (1997). "Do family planning programs affect fertility preferences? A literature review". Studies in Family Planning 28 (l): 1-13. (Download the article from
Cleland et al. (1984). "The determinants of reproductive change in Bangladesh". World Bank: Washington, utdrag 131-152, 121-125. K
Hoodfar H and S. Assadpour (2000). "The politics of population policy in the Islamic Republic of Iran". Studies in Family Planning 31: 19-34. (Download the article from
Dougherty & Kammeyer (1995). "An introduction to population". The Guilford Press: New York. About China, page 228-237. K
Attanee 2001: "Chinese fertility on the eve of the 21st century: fact and uncertainty". Population 13: 71-100. K
- Population growth and water scarcity
Falkenmark, M.(1 990). "Rapid population growth and water scarcity: The predicaments of tomorrows Africa". Population and Development Review, 16 suppl. 81-94. (Download the article from
- Consequences of population growth for food availability
Smil, V. (1994). "How many people can the Earth feed?" Population and Development Review 20 (2): 255-292. (Download the article from
Dyson, T. (1999). "World food trends and prospect to 2025". Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci USA 96: 5929-5936. (Download the article from )
Kravdal, ? (2001). "Has population growth restricted improvements in per capita food availability, 1970-1995". Population Studies 55: 105-117. (Will be handed out on lecture)
- Environmental consequences
Heilig, G.K. (1994). "Neglected dimensions of global land-use change: Reflections and data". Population and Development Review 20 (4): 831-860. (Download the article from
Panayotou.T (1994) "Population, environment, and development nexus" I Cassen, R. (ed.). Population and development: Old debates, new conclusions. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick 149-180. K
Bongaarts, J. (1992). "Population growth and global warming". Population and Development Review 18 (2): 299-319. (Download the article from
Meyerson, F.A. (1998). "Population, carbon Emission, and Global Warming: The forgotten relationship at Kyoto". Population and Development Review 24: 115-129. (Download the article from
- Economic consequences
Kelley, A.C. and Schmidt (1994). "Population and income change, recent findings World Bank" Demography 32 (4) 543-555. (Download the article from
Articles marked with K are available in a compendium which is sold in Kopiutsalget, Akademika.