
Published Nov. 16, 2003 1:00 AM

Den obligatoriske ?velsesoppgaven for kurset ECON 3150/4150 vil bli gjennomg?tt tirsdag 18.11 kl.12.15-14.00, aud 4 (dvs. p? neste forelesning). Yngve Willassen

Published Oct. 14, 2003 2:00 AM

Seminar 2 og seminar 3 i kurset ECON 3150/4150 innstilles mandag 20.10 . Grunnen er at dette ogs? er innleveringsdatoen for den obligatoriske oppgaven, og mange studenter ville konsentrere seg helt om ?velsesoppgaven.

Published Oct. 1, 2003 2:00 AM

All seminars will be arranged as usual while the term paper is in work. However submission of solutions to the seminar excercises are optionals.

25.09 Term paper: Deadline is 20 October. You must hand in the term paper at our stand next to the infomation center, ground floor, between 14-15.

Published Aug. 28, 2003 2:00 AM

The problem sets for the seminars are now available online . The students are expected to try to solve problemset 1 before the first session.

Published Aug. 22, 2003 2:00 AM

Lectures start in week 34 (Tuesday 12-14. Week 34-35: Aud. 3 Helga Engs Hus). PC-give course in week 34. Seminar starts in week 36.

Intro to PcGive (ECON 3410/4410 and ECON3150/4150) : The third group meets on Friday 22/8 14.15, room 529 ES)

Published June 13, 2003 2:00 AM

ECON4150 is the coursenumber for the master-students. ECON3150 is the coursenumber for the bachelor-students.