Semester page for ECON3120 - Spring 2018


Joint teaching

This course has jointly taught classes with ECON4120 – Mathematics 2: Calculus and Linear Algebra. See this course's semester page for schedule and messages.

  • The exam problem set will be handed out in both Norwegian AND English to everyone. 
    Yes the course web site (not the semester site) says English, which is the formal rule - but the set will be in in both languages. (It is likely to change some time in the future, but not now.)
  • Remember the new regulations on calculators, see the course web site.
  • Remember also that the exam in ECON3120/4120 is an "open book" exam, meaning that you are allowed to use all printed or written material, i.e. books, notes (your own or others'), old problem solutions, etc.
    (That is not to say that the desks will have as much space as you could want - that is totally out of our hands.)
  • Write legibly. You must show your work. Not disguise it. 
    (And if you consider masking the parts you don't know behind undecipherable ha...
June 6, 2018 12:22 AM

The TL;DR version:
Three hours allocated to the review session. Ca. 1415: the autumn 2017 exam; ca. 1515: "course in a nutshell"; ca. 1615: the spring 2012 exam ("the rest of the last seminar")

Longer version: 
The seminar leaders reported back that they did not have time to do more than parts of the last seminar problems - and they did different parts.  
We think that it would be a good idea that everyone has had the chance to have those exams reviewed, in particular the autumn 2017 (if you did not spot the similarities between that exam and your term papers, you should definitely pay attention!).  
So with three parts to consider ("nutshell", half the seminar and the other half of the seminar) we expanded the session from two to three hours.  In case some of you might want to skip what you have already seen in the seminar, we put those at the beginning and the end, so that you ca...

May 22, 2018 1:54 PM

I was alerted that this was down. It should be up by now.

May 9, 2018 3:37 PM

So in 28 part (f), I forgot an "a" when I copied the formula for g' into the denominator in the expression for dx0/da. The derivative is - as you find in the solution - as this picture, the missing "a" indicated in red. When taking the limit, that kills the last "1", as indicated with red in this picture. That results in 1/2, as it should. 

Thanks a lot to the student who found the error! Nils.

Apr. 11, 2018 6:38 PM

As announced in class today:

  • Tomorrow Wednesday will be one hour ordinary lecture, and one hour on the term paper, focusing on how the TP problems relate to previous exams.
  • Thursday's workshop will continue the term paper review:
    The seminar leaders will either walk through the remaining problems, or allow you to ask questions on your own papers. An opportunity to work on closing your gaps.
  • Next week's seminar is postponed.  The seminar series will extend to the week 30th of April to 4th of May. 
    The schedule will shortly be updated to reflect this.  Also:
    There may be announced more problems for the next seminar, as you will have another week to work on them.
Apr. 10, 2018 1:26 PM

