See at the end of
for problems for last extra seminar May 21.
See you.
Please read the general comments in the ?Fellesrom/Common room? section in Fronter.
As you may have seen, each of you received a pdf together with the assignment result in Fronter where you find my individual comments.
Please read these comments, as they are important for your exam preparation.
Best wishes and good luck,
Results will be available in Fronter on Monday, April 20th.
Dear all As a supplement to the lectures and seminars I will give an extra seminar on Thursday 9, 10.15-12.00 Auditorium 2. The format will be that basic (not simple) problems are posted on the blackboard and that you answer them. I will then assist the ones who needs extra help and go through the solutions at the end. See you. Halvor
We have updated the instructions on the compulsory assignment. The previous version stated on the front page that it was not allowed to cooperate, wheras the instructions on the assignment stated you could.
It is allowed to cooperate, so we apologize for the confusion this might have caused.
The compulsory assignment has been posted on the course web page. The deadline is thursday 12. 03.
Remember to read the guidelines.
Good Luck!
Hi, I have uploaded my answer suggestion to problem 4 of seminar 1 (which I did not manage to fully cover last time) under "course material". Just send me email if something is not clear to you.
Also, could everyone in seminar 3 send me an email stating that you are from seminar 3? My email-address is In this way I could have Your email address, and in the future I will send course materials to you guys by email.
Have a nice day :)
Best regards
You Ola Wu
Please send your solutions for problem sets at 12 at noon on the last thursday every time before the respective seminar to That is, please send me your solutions for the seminars of the 23rd and 24th of February by Thursday the 19th at noon.
Working in groups is a very good idea, but please hand in your individual solutions. In the seminars, we will then have the chance to focus on those parts that you found particularly difficult.
Please also send me an email NOW for me to have your address when needed.
best wishes and see you in three weeks!