Online math course

I understand some of you struggle with the mathematics in this course. First, let me ensure your that we are only using math that everyone should have been through in high school, almost entirely math from 10th grade and below. So you did know this at some point! It is not impossible! Of course, you may need to reactivate that knowledge. We had an intro course in Norwegian early in the semester, and I recommended the DragonBox 12+ App for algebra. I just also found the Khan Academy, that has instructional and easily available graphical lectures on a range of topics, including mathematics. There is more than you need here, but it is all pretty well organized, so hopefully you will find what you need (for instance, there is a whole section on logarithms). If you use it, I would also be very happy for recommendations on which sections to suggest for future students.

Published Feb. 21, 2014 11:50 AM