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Rowland, D. T.: Demographic methods and concepts, 2003. Oxford University. ISBN:?0-19-875263-6. Chapters 1-4, 6-8.

Teoretisk rammeverk for fruktbarhet: tilbud, ettersp?rsel, regulering, fekunditet, naturlig fruktbarhet, individuell/sosial kontroll inntekt, kostnader, preferanser, normer

Bongaarts, J. (1983). The proximate determinants of natural marital fertility Side 103-138 i Balatao og Lee (red.): Determinants of fertility in developing countries. Vol. 1 Academic Press, New York. K

Easterlin, R. A. and E. M. Crimmins (1987). The fertility revolution. A supply-demand analysis Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Side 3-31. K

Den demografiske overgang

diverse tabeller/figurer til utdeling for ? vise utviklingen

Daugherty, H. & Kammeyer, K. (1995): World population growth chp 9. 36 sider. K

Hirschman, C. 1994. Why fertility changes Annual Review of Sociology 20: 203-233.

Oldervoll, J. (1978): Kva hadde befolkningsveksten ? seie for utvandringa? i Engen, A. (red.): Utvandringa ? Det store oppbrotet, Det Norske Samlaget, Oslo. 16 sider. K

H?y fruktbarhet i u-land: kvinners status/utdanning, kulturelle faktorer

Kirk, D. and B. Pillett 1998. Fertility in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1980s and 1990s Studies in Family Planning 29: 1-29.

Caldwell. J. og P. Caldwell (1987). The cultural context of high fertility in sub Saharan Africa Population and Development Review 13 (3): 409-437.

Jejeebhoy, S.J. and Z. A. Sathar (2001). Women's autonomy in India and Pakistan: The influence of religion and region Population and Development Review 27: 687-712. K

Jejeebhoy (1995). Women's education, autonomy and reproductive behaviour: Assessing what we have learned. East-West Center Honolulu (revidert sammendrag av bok med samme hovedtittel) 35 sider. K

Mason, K.0. (1989). The impact of women's social position on fertility in developing countries I Stychos (red.) Demography as an interdiscipline Transaction Publishers: Brunswick 100- 127. K

Fargues, P. 2000. Protracted national conflict and fertility change: Palestinians and Israelis in the twentieth century Population and Development Review 26: 441-482.

Litt om familieplanleggingstiltak

Ross og Frankenberg (1993). Findings from two decades of family planning research The Population Council. New York, utdrag 13-47, K

Ross, J og J. Stover 2001. The family planning program effort index: 1999 cycle International Family Planning Perspective 27: 119-129.

Reproduktiv helse

Wall, L.L, 1998. Dead mothers and injured wives: The social context of maternal morbidity and mortality among the Hausa of Northern Nigeria. Studies in family Planning 29: 341-359.

Donaldson, P. 2002. The elimination of contraceptive acceptor targets and the evolution of population policy in India. Population Studies 56: 97-110. K

Mazharul M and M.M. Uddin 2001. Female circumcision in Sudan: Future prospects and strategies for eradication. International family Planning Perspectives 71-76

Den befolkningspolitiske debatt, inkl litt om konsekvenser av h?y befolkningsvekst

Brunborg H 1994. Befolkning og utvikling sett p? bakgrunn av befolkningskonferansen i kairo ?konomiske analyser 7: 20-28. K

Cassen, R. (1994): Overview, Population and Development: Old debates, new conclusions. US – Third World Policy Perspectives No. 19, Overseas Development Council. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, Oxford 26 sider. K

McIntosh and Finkle (1995). The Cairo conference on population and development. A new paradigm? Population and Development Review 21 (2): 223-260 K

Conly S. 1997. Missing billions. People and the planet 6: 12-13.

The Hague Forum on the implementation of the Cairo program of action. 1999. Population and Development Review 25 (1) 196-202

Mason, K. A. (1996). Population programs and human rights. I Ahlburg et al eds.) The impact of population growth on well-being in developing countries. Springer, 299- 335 K

Publisert 22. apr. 2008 19:15 - Sist endret 20. mai 2008 16:32