Syllabus/achievement requirements

* = the text is in the compendium

@= the text is available online

Main books

Buckingham, Susan and Mike Turner (editors). 2008. Understanding Environmental Issues. London: Sage Publications. (222 pages) (Chapter 5 (42 pages) is not included)

Dryzek, John. 2012. The Politics of the Earth: Environmental Discourses. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (236 pages)

Leichenko, Robin M. and Karen O’Brien. 2008. Environmental Change and Globalization: Double Exposures. New York: Oxford University Press. (113 pages)

Articles & book chapters:

@Ageyman, J. 2014. Global environmental justice or Le droit au monde? Geoforum 43 : 236-238. Available online

@Barbier, E. 2011. The policy challenges for green economy and sustainable economic development. Natural Resources Forum 35: 233-245. (13 pages) Available online

@Berker, T 2013: “In the morning I just need a long, hot shower:” a sociological exploration of energy sensibilities in Norwegian bathrooms. Sustainability Science, Practice & Policy 9(1). [Sociology] Available online

@Dearing, JA et al. 2014. Safe and just operating spaces for regional social-ecological systems. Global Environmental Change 28: 227-238. Available online

@Di?az S, Fargione J, Chapin FS III, Tilman D (2006) Biodiversity Loss Threatens Human Well-Being. PLoS
Biol 4(8): e277. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0040277 Available online

@Dietz et al. (2007) Driving the human ecological footprint. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 5(1):13-18. [Sociology] Available online

@Dobson A. 2007. Environmental citizenship: Towards sustainable development. Sustainable Development 15(5), 276-285. (9 pages) Available online

@Lopez-Carr, D. And J. Burgdorfer. 2013. Deforestation Drivers: Population, Migration, and Tropical Land Use. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development Available online 

*Manning, Martin. 2011. The Climate for Science. Chapter 2 (pp. 32-48) in The Governance of Change: Science, Economics, Politics and Ethics. London: Polity. (17 pages)

*Mj?set, L. 2002. - "The "Nature" of social science". Author's translation of a paper published in Norwegian as: "Samfunnsvitenskapens natur", pp. 321-347 in Tor Arve Benjaminsen & Hanne Svarstad, editors, Samfunnsperspektiver p? milj? og utvikling, 2nd ed., Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2002. [Unpublished English translation to be included in compendium] [Sociology]

*Moser, S. 2013. Individual and community empowerment for human security. Pages 279-293 in L. Sygna et al., A Changing Environment for Human Security: Transformative Approaches to Research, Policy and Action, London: Earthscan (14 pages)

*Robbins, P. 2012. Political Ecology, Chapter 1: Political versus Apolitical Ecologies (we used this chapter in an earlier edition in the pensum a few years ago) [Geography]

@Shove (2012) Putting practice into policy: reconfiguring questions of consumption and climate change. Contemporary Social Science iFirst: 1-15. [Sociologist] Available online

@Shove and Walker. 2010. Governing transitions in the sustainability of everyday life. Research Policy 39: 471-476. [Sociology and Geography] Available online

@Steffen, WS, J Rocst?m, R Costanza al. 2011: How Defining Planetary Boundaries Can Transform Our Approach to Growth Solutions 2(3) Available online

*Speth, G. 2010. “A new consciousness” Chapter 10 in The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability. (17 pages )

@Tibbs, H. 2011. “Changing Cultural Values and the Transition to Sustainability”. Journal of Futures Studies, March 2011, 15(3): 13 – 32. (20 pages) Available online

@Zoomers, A. 2010. “Globalisation and the foreignisation of space: seven processes driving the current global land grab”. Journal of Peasant Studies, 37:2, 429-447. (19 pages) Available online


Published Nov. 18, 2014 9:14 AM - Last modified Nov. 24, 2014 2:02 PM