SOS9006 – Thesis seminar: Towards submission

Course content

The final part of the thesis seminar which should be done the semester before submission.

Learning outcome

The doctoral research fellow receives feedback during the finalization process and presents a specific part of the thesis.?An appointed opponent, seminar leaders and the other research fellows in attendance will give comments on the presented material.

Admission to the course

PhD candidates at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography must register via StudentWeb.

The registration deadline is?six weeks before the course starts in each semester.

Formal prerequisite knowledge

Participants must be enrolled on the PhD program in Sociology.

Overlapping courses


Teaching takes place over one day during the semester. The participants give a brief introduction of their draft (5-10 mins). They will then receive comments from an appointed opponent, as well as comments from the PhD coordinators and the other research fellows.


The draft introductory chapter must be submitted two weeks before the course.Those who write a monograph present their introduction and conclusion or another combination of chapters in consultation with the course conveners. If the doctoral research fellows so wish, they can submit in advance a ‘reader's guide’ describing what kind of comments would be of most value.

We also need a?declaration?that you have all assessments, concessions, approvals and recommendations your research requires. In addition you need to send in the documentation itself (NSD/Sikt, REK etc.).

Attendance combined with the oral and written presentations will form the basis for determining whether the doctoral research fellow has passed the seminar. This applies to all parts of the thesis seminar.

Examination support material

All exam support materials are allowed during this exam. Generating all or part of the exam answer using AI tools such as Chat GPT or similar is not allowed.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 3, 2024 10:15:51 AM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching language
Norwegian (English on request)