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@ Al-Ali, N., Black, R., Koser, K. (2001). ‘Refugees and transnationalism. The experience of Bosnians and Eritreans in Europe’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 27 (4): 615-634 (19 sider). Online

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@ Andersson, Bridget (2007), A very private business: Exploring the demand for migrant domestic workers. European Journal of Women's studies 14(3): 247-264 17 sider. Online

*Bosniak, L. (2009) “Citizenship, Noncitizenship, and the Transnationalization of Domestic Work”. I: Benhabib, S. & Resnik, J. (red) Migration and Mobilities. Citizenship, Borders, and Gender. New York: New York University Press, s. 127-156, 30 s.

@ Bosworth, M. (2008) 'Governing Through Migration Control Security and Citizenship in Britain', British Journal of Criminology, 48 (6): 703-719 (16 sider). Online

*Brochmann, G. & D?lvik, J.E. (2006) “Is immigration an enemy of the welfare state?” I: Papademetriou, D. (red) Europe and its immigrants in the 21st century. Washington: Migration Policy Institute, ca 20 s.

@ Brubaker, R. (2003) Neither individualism nor ’groupism’. A reply to Craig Calhoun. Ethnicities 3(4): 553-557, 5 s. Online

@ Calhoun, C. (2003) ‘Belonging’ in the cosmopolitan imaginary. Ethnicities 3(4): 531-553, 23 s. Online

@ Calhoun, C. (2003) The variability of belonging. A reply to Rogers Brubaker. Ethnicities 3(4): 558-568, 11 s. Online

@ Carling, J?rgen & María Hernández Carretero (2011): "Protecting Europe and Protecting Migrants? Strategies for Managing Unauthorised Migration from Africa', British Journal of Politics and International Relations 13(1): 42–58 (16 sider). Online

*Castles, Stephen og Mark J. Miller (2009) ‘Globalization, Development and Migration’ i Castles og Miller (2009) Age of Migration (side 50-78) (28 sider)

@ Chandra, Uday (2013) A Case for a postcolonial approach to the study of politics, New Political Science, 35(3): 479-491 (12 pages) Online

@ de Haas, Hein (2010): “The Internal Dynamics of Migration Processes: A Theoretical Inquiry” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10): 1587-1617. 30 sider Online

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@ Fangen, K. (2007) Breaking Up the Different Constituting Parts of Ethnicity. The Case of Young Somalis in Norway. Acta Sociologica 50(4): 401-414, 14 s. Online

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@ Fligstein, N., A. Polyakova, and W. Sandholtz ‘European Integration, Nationalism and European Identity’ Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(1): 106-122. Online

*Foley, Michael W. and Dean R. Hoge 2007. Religion and the New Immigrants, Ch. 1, p. 23-55.

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*Furseth, Inger 2011. The hijab: Boundary work and identity negotiations among immigrant Muslim women in the Los Angeles area. Review of Religious Research 54(2): 365-385. (19s).

@ Furseth, Inger 2008. Social capital and immigrant religion. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 21(2): 147-164. (14s). Online

@ Hochschild, A.R. (2001) “The Nanny Chain”. The American Prospect, November 30, 4 s. Online

* Jacobsen, Christine 2011. The Quest for Authenticity: Islamization Amongst Muslim Youth in Norway. In European Muslims and the Secular State, edited by Jocelyne Cesari og Seán McLoughlin, p.155-168. Aldershot: Ashgate. (14s).

@ Kalm, Sara (2012) Global Migration Management, Order and Access to Mobility, in: Martin Geiger and Antoine Pécoud (eds.) The New Politics of International Mobility: Migration Management and its Discontents, IMIS-Beitr?ge, Heft 40, Universit?t Osnabruck, pp. 49-73 (25 pages).Online

@ King, Russell and Vullnetari, Julie (2006) Orphan pensioners and migrating grandparents: The impact of mass migration on older people in rural Albania. Ageing and Society, 26 (5): 783-816 (33 pages). Online

@ Kubal, Agnieszka (2013) Conceptualizing Semi-Legality in Migration Research, Law and Society Review, 47(3): 555-586. Online

@ Levitt, Peggy 2004. Redefining the Boundaries of Belonging: The Institutional Character of Transnational Religious Life. Sociology of Religion 65 (1): 1-18. (18s). Online

@ Levitt, P. (2009) 'Roots and Routes: Understanding the Lives of the Second Generation Transnationally.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35(7):1225-1242 (17 sider). Online

@ Levitt, P. & B.N. Jaworsky (2007) Transnational Migration Studies: Past Developments and Future Trends. Annual Review of Sociology 33: 129-156, 28 s. Online

@Lutz, Helma (2010): ‘Gender in the Migratory Process’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10): 1647-1663. Online

@ Massey, D.S., Arango, J., G., Kouaouci, A., Pellegrino, A. og Taylor, J. E. (1993). ‘Theories of international migration: A review and reappraisal’, Population and Development Review, 19 (3): s. 431-466 Online

@ McDowell, Linda, Adina Batnitzky and Sarah Dyer (2007) Division, Segmentation, and Interpellation: The Embodied Labors of Migrant Workers in a Greater London Hotel, Economic Geography, 83(1): 1-25. (25 pages). Online

@ McGovern, Patrick (2007) "Immigration, Labour Markets and Employment Relations: Problems and Prospects". British Journal of Industrial Relations 45(2): 217-235 (18 sider) Online

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@ Nyhagen Predelli, Line 2004. Interpreting Gender in Islam: A Case Study of Gender Practice and Attitudes Among Migrant Muslim Women in Oslo, Norway. Gender & Society 18(4): 473-493. (20s). Online

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@Vertovec, S. (1999) Conceiving and researching transnationalism. Ethnical and Racial Studies 22(2) 447-462, 16 s. Online

@ Walsh, Katie (2007) ‘It got very debauched, very Dubai!’ Heterosexual intimacy amongst single British expatriates.  Social  & Cultural Geography, 8  (4): 507-533 (26 pages). Online

@ Wickramasekara, Piyasiri (2008) Globalisation, International labour Migration and the Rights of Migrant Workers, Third Wold Quarterly, 29(7): 1247-1264. (17 pages). Online

@ Vogel, Katrin (2009) The Mother, the Daughter, and the Cow: Venezuelan Transformistas’ Migration to Europe. Mobilities, 4 (3): 367-387 (20 pages). Online

@ Zetter, R. (2007). ‘More labels, fewer refugees: Remaking the refugee label in an era of globalization’, Journal of Refugee Studies, 20 (2): s. 172-192. Online


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Cursory Reading

Joas & Kn?bl: Social Theory: Twenty Introductory lessons, chapter no. XVIII: Crisis of modernity? New diagnose, pp. 463-499

@ Glick Schiller, Nina (2010): ‘A global perspective on transnational migration: Theorising migration without methodological nationalism’, pp 109-130 (21 pages) in Rainer Baub?ck and Thomas Faist (ed.): Diaspora and Transnationalism, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Online

@ Isaksen, Lise Widding (2010): ‘Transnational care. The social dimensions of international nurse recruitment’ s 137-157 in Lise Widding Isaksen (ed.): Global Care Work, Gender and Migration in Nordic Societies, Lund: Nordic Academic Press (20 pages). Online

@ Isaksen, Lise Widding (2008) Sambasivan Uma Devi and Arlie Russell Hochschild (2008): Global Care Crisis : A Problem of Capital, Care Chain, or Commons?, American Behavioral Scientist 52(3): 405-425 (20 pages). Online




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