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Historisk utvikling og grunnbegreper om familie og livsl?p (132 sider)

*Solheim, J. (2013) "Den nordvesteuropeiske modellen". Kapittel 2 i Ellings?ter, A.L. og K. Widerberg (red.) Velferdsstatens familier. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. (24s)

@Lesthaeghe, R. (2010). "The unfolding story of the Second Demographic Transition", Population and Development Review 36(2):211- 251 (40s).

@Esping-Andersen, G. (2016). Families in the 21st Century. Stockholm: SNS F?rlag. Pp. 1-68.

Livsl?p: Overgangen til voksenlivet (61 sider)

@Ryder, N (1965) “The concept of cohort in the study of social change”, American Sociological Review 30(6): 843-861. (18s)

@Aassve, A., E. Cottini & A. Vitali (2013) Youth prospects in a time of economic recession. Demographic Research 29(36): 949-962 (13 s)

*Elder, G.H. (2003) “The Emergence and Development of Life Course Theory”, Kapittel 1 I Mortimer & Shanahan (red.) Handbook of the Life course. (16s)

@Evensen, Miriam, et al. "The Role of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Adolescence for Adult Educational Attainment: Evidence from Sibling Comparisons using Data from the Young HUNT Study." European Sociological Review 32.5 (2016): 552-566. (14 sider)

Samlivsutviklingen i etterkrigstiden (135 sider)

*Noack, T (2010) ?Ekteskap og skilsmisser i det 20. ?rhundret?, kap. 3 i En stille revolusjon? Det moderne samboerskapet i Norge. (23s), Doktorsavhandling, ISS, Universitetet i Oslo

@Oppenheimer, V. (1997) "Women’s employment and the gain from marriage", Annual Review of Sociology 23: 431-453 (22s).

*S?rensen, A. (1995) ?Women’s Education and the Cost and Benefit of Marriage?, s 229-235 i Blossfeld, H.-P. (red.) The New Role of Women: Family formation in modern societies. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. (6s)

@Perelli-Harris, B. et al. (2012) ?Changes in union status during the transition to parenthood in eleven European countries, 1970s to early 2000s?, Population Studies 66(2): 167-182 (15s).

@Syltevik, L. (2010) "Sense and Sensibility: Cohabitation in Cohabitation-Land", The Sociological Review 58(3): 444-462 (18s)

@Perelli-Harris, Brienna, Monika Mynarska, Ann Berrington, Ann Evans, Katrin Fliegenschnee, Olga Isupova, Renske Keizer, Andreas Klaerner, Trude Lappeg?rd & Daniele Vignoli. 2014. Towards a new understanding of cohabitation: Insights from focus group research across Europe and Australia. Demographic Research 31(34): 1043-1078. (35s)

@Perelli-Harris, B. & N. Sanchez-Gassen (2012) “How similar are cohabitation and marriage? Legal approaches to cohabitation in Western Europe.” Population and Development Review 38(3): 435-467. (32s)

Fruktbarhet (98 sider)

@Bernardi, L. 2003. "Channels of Social Influence on Reproduction". Population Research and Policy Review 22: 427–38 (11s).

@Kravdal, ?. & Rindfuss, R.R. (2008) "Changing Relationship between Education and Fertility", American Sociological Review 73(5): 854-873 (19s).

@Myrskyl?, M., H-P. Kohler og F.C Billari (2009). "Advances in Development reverse fertility declines", Nature, 460(7256):741-743. (3s).

@Neyer, G. (2011) ?Should governments in Europe be more aggressive in pushing for gender equality to raise fertility? The second "NO"?, Demographic Research 24(10): 225-250. (25s).

@Rindfuss, R. m.fl. (2010) ?Child-care availability and fertility in Norway?, Population and Development Review 36(4): 725-748. (23s).

@Neyer, Gerda, Trude Lappeg?rd & Daniele Vignoli. 2013. Gender equality and fertility: Which equality matters?. European Journal of Population 29(3):245-272. (27s)

Likestilling, arbeid og familie (153 sider)

*Kitter?d, R. H. og M. R?nsen (2013) "Kvinner i arbeid ute og hjemme. Endring og ulikhet". Kapittel 8 i Ellings?ter, A.L. og K. Widerberg (red.) Velferdsstatens familier. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk (30s).

@Hook, J, L. (2010) "Gender Inequality in the Welfare State: Sex Segregation in Housework", 1965-2003. American Journal of Sociology 115 (5): 1480-1523 (44 p.).

@Brandth, B.og E. Kvande (2005) "Fedres valgfrihet og arbeidslivets tidskulturer". Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning 46 (1):35-54. (19s)

@Petersen, T., A. Penner, G. H?gsnes (2010) "The Within-Job Motherhood Wage Penalty in Norway", Journal of Marriage and Family 72(5): 1274-1288. (15s)

@Altintas, E. and O. Sullivan (2016) Fifty years of change updated: Cross-national gender convergence in housework. Demographic Research 35(16): 455-470. (15 s)

@Vitali, A. and B. Arpino (2016) Who brings home the bacon? The influence of context on partners contributions to the household income. Demographic Research 35(41): 1213-1244. (31 s)

Likekj?nnede samliv (65 sider)

@Chamie, J. and B. Mirkin. 2011. “Same-Sex Marriage: A New Social Phenomenon.”  Population and Development Review 37(3): 529-551. (21s)

@Smart, C. (2007) ‘Same Sex Couples and Marriage: Negotiating relational landscapes with families and friends’, The Sociological Review, 55(4): 687-702. (25s)

@Andersson, Gunnar, Turid Noack, Ane Seierstad, Harald Weedon-Fekjaer 2006. “The demographics of same-sex marriages in Norway and Sweden.” Demography, 43:79-98. (19 sider)

Staten og familien (81 sider)

@Toulemon, L. (2011) ?Should governments in Europe be more aggressive in pushing for gender equality to raise fertility? The first "YES"?, Demographic Research 24(7): 179-200. (21s).

@Neyer, G. (2011) ?Should governments in Europe be more aggressive in pushing for gender equality to raise fertility? The second "NO"?, Demographic Research 24(10): 225-250. (25s).

@Saraceno, C. & Keck, W. 2011. ”Towards an integrated approach for the analysis of gender equity in policies supporting paid work and care responsibilities”, Dempgraphic Research 25: 371-406. (35s)

Samlivsbrudd (39 sider)

@Amato, P. R. and Previti, D. 2003. "People's Reason's for Divorcing: Gender, Social Class, the Life Course, and Adjustment". Journal of Family Issues 24:602-26. (25s)

@Jalovaara, M. (2003) "Joint Effects of Marriage Partners’ Socioeconomic Positions on the risk of Divorce", Demography 40(1): 67-81. (14s)

Konsekvenser av samlivsbrudd (36 sider)

@Cherlin, A. (1999) “Going to Extremes: Family structure, children’s well-being and social science”, Demography 36(4): 421-428. (8s)

@Amato, Paul. 1996. “Explaining the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 58:628-40. (12s)

@D’Onofrio, Brian M. m.fl.  2007. “A Genetically Informed Study of the Intergenerational Transmission of Marital Instability.” Journal of Marriage and Family 69: 793-809. (16s)

Minoritetsbefolkningers familieliv (76 sider)

@Kulu, H., Hannemann, T., Pailhé, A., Neels, K., Krapf, S., González-Ferrer, A. and Andersson, G. (2017), Fertility by Birth Order among the Descendants of Immigrants in Selected European Countries. Population and Development Review, 43: 31–60. doi:10.1111/padr.12037   (29s)

@Van Landschoot, Lisa, et al. "Partner Choice and the Transition to Parenthood for Second-Generation Women of Turkish and Moroccan Origin in Belgium." European Journal of Population (2017): 1-30.  (30s)

@Beck-Gernsheim, Elisabeth (2007). Transnational lives, transnational marriages: a review of the evidence from migrant communities in Europe. Global Networks, 7(3): 271-288.   (17s)


Totalt 876 sider


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Publisert 8. nov. 2017 12:22 - Sist endret 8. nov. 2017 12:40