
@ = artikkelen er tilgjengelig p? nett

Ideer om familier og kj?nn

@Gross, N. (2005) "The Detraditionalization of Intimacy Reconsidered". Sociological Theory 23(3): 286-311 (25 s). Fulltekst

@Gross, N. and Simmons, S. (2002) "Intimacy as a Double-Edged Phenomenon? An Empirical Test of Giddens". Social Forces 81(2):531-555 (24 s). Fulltekst

@Jamieson, L. (1999) "Intimacy Transformed? A Critical Look at the Pure Relationship". Sociology 33(3): 477-494 (17s.) Fulltekst

@Kennelly, I., S.N.Merz og J. Lorber (2001) "What is Gender?" American Sociological Review 66(4): 598-605. (7s)Fulltekst

@Lesthaeghe, R (2010) "The unfolding story of the Second Demographic Transition". Population and Development Review 36(2): 211-251 Fulltekst

@Miller, E.M. og C.Y. Costello (2001) "The Limits of Biological Determinism", American Sociological Review 66(4): 592-598 (7s). Fulltekst

@Risman, B. (2001) "Calling the Bluff of Value-Free Science", American Sociological Review 66(4): 605-611. (6s) Fulltekst

@Smart, C. and Shipman, B. (2004) "Visions in the monochrome: families, marriage and the individualization thesis". British Journal of Sociology 55(4):491-509 (18 s). Fulltekst

Solheim, J. (2013) "Den nordvesteuropeiske modellen". Kapittel 2 i Ellings?ter, A.L. og K. Widerberg (red.) Velferdsstatens familier. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. (24s)

@Udry, J. (2000) "Biological Limits of Gender Construction", American Sociological Review 65(3): 443-457 (14s). Fulltekst

@Udry, J. (2001) "Feminists Uncover Determinism, Positivism, and Antiquated Theory", American Sociological Review 66(4): 611-618 (7s). Fulltekst

@West, C. and Zimmerman, D. H. (1987). "Doing Gender", Gender & Society 1(2): 125–151 (27 p.). Fulltekst

Antall sider: 216

Familien i velferdsstaten

@Borchorst, A. og Siim, B. (2008) "Woman-friendly policies and state feminism". Feminist Theory 9(2): 207-224 (18 s). Fulltekst

@Brighouse, H. og Wright, E. O. (2008) "Strong Gender Egalitarianism". Politics & Society 36(3): 360-372 (12 s). Fulltekst

@Ellings?ter, A. L. (2007) "’Old’ and ’new’ politics of time to care: three Norwegian reforms". Journal of European Social Policy 17(1): 49-60 (11s). Fulltekst

@Ellings?ter, A. L. (2011) "Symmetriske foreldreskap – politiske forhindringer". Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 52(1): 3-32 (30 s). Fulltekst

@Fraser, N. (1989) "Talking about Needs: Interpretive Contests and Political Conflicts in Welfare-State Societies". Ethics 99: 291-313 (23 s). Fulltekst

@Gornick, J. og Meyers, M. K. (2008) "Creating Gender Egalitarian Societies: An Agenda for Social Reform". Politics & Society 36(3): 313-349 (26 s). Fulltekst

@Hernes, H. (2004) "Statsfeminisme – et personlig tilbakeblikk". Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, no. 3-4, 288-294 (6 s). Fulltekst

@Korpi, W., Ferrarini, T. og Englund, S. (2010) "Women’s Opportunities Under Different Constellations of Family Policies in Western Countries: A Comparative Analysis". Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 556. (56 s.) Fulltekst

@Mandel, H. og Semyonov, M. (2006) "A Welfare State Paradox: State Interventions and Women’s Employment Opportunities in 22 Countries". American Journal of Sociology, 111(6): 1910-49 (39 s). Fulltekst .

@Myskyl?, M., H.-P. Kohler og F.C.Billari (2009) "Advances in development reverse fertility declines", Nature, 460(7256): 741-743. Fulltekst

@Orloff, A. (2008) "Feminist Social Policies for a Post-maternalist Era: Gender Equality Projects in Europe and America" (26 s.) Fulltekst

@Orloff, A. S. (2009) "Gendering the Comparative Analysis of Welfare States: an unfinished agenda". Sociological Theory 27(3): 317-343 (26 s). Fulltekst

Antall sider: 276

Samliv, fruktbarhet og samlivsbrudd

@Amato, P. R. 2000. "The Consequences of Divorce for Adults and Children". Journal of Marriage and the Family 62: 1269-1287 (19 p.). "Fulltekst"

@Amato, P. R. and Previti, D. 2003. "People's Reason's for Divorcing: Gender, Social Class, the Life Course, and Adjustment". Journal of Family Issues 24:602-26 (25s). Fulltekst

@Balbo, N., Billari F.C. og M. Mills (2012) "Fertility in Advanced Societies: A Review of Research", European Journal of Population 28:3 (38s). Fulltekst

@Bernardi, L. 2003. "Channels of Social Influence on Reproduction". Population Research and Policy Review 22: 427–38 (11s). Fulltekst

@Cooke, L.P. (2006) "’Doing Gender’ in Context: Household Bargaining and Risk of Divorce in Germany and the United States", American Journal of Sociology 112(2): 442-472 (33s). Fulltekst

@England, P. og M. Budig (1998) "Gary Becker: His genius, impact and blind spots", s.95-111 i Clawson, D. (red.) Required Reading: Sociology’s most influential books. Amherst: University of Massachusetts (16s). tilgjengelig p? fronter

@Jalovaara, M. (2003) "Joint Effects of Marriage Partners’ Socioeconomic Positions on the risk of Divorce", Demography 40(1): 67-81 (14s). "Fulltekst"

@Kravdal, ?. & Rindfuss, R.R. (2008) "Changing Relationship between Education and Fertility", American Sociological Review 73(5): 854-873 (19s). Fulltekst

@Oppenheimer, V. (1997) "Women’s employment and the gain from marriage", Annual Review of Sociology 23: 431-453 (22s). Fulltekst

@Perelli-Harris, B. and Gassen, N.S. (2012) "How Similar Are Cohabitation and Marriage? Legal Approaches to Cohabitation across Western Europe" i Population and Development Review 38(3): 435-467 (32s). Fulltekst

@Skrede, K. (2004) "F?rre menn blir fedre". ?konomiske analyser 6/2004. Statistisk sentralbyr? (10s). Fulltekst

@Syltevik, L. (2010) "Sense and Sensibility: Cohabitation in Cohabitation-Land", the Sociological Review 58(3): 444-462 (18s). Fulltekst

Antall sider: 257

Kj?nn, arbeid og organisering av husholdningen

@Adamczyk, A. og C.Pitt (2009) "Shaping attitudes to homosexuality: The role of religion and cultural context", Social Science Research 38(2): 338-351 (13s). Fulltekst

@Aisenbrey, S., Grünow, D. og Evertsson, M. (2009) "Is there a career penalty for mothers’ time out?", Social Forces 88(2): 573-605 (32s). Fulltekst

@Brandth, B.og E. Kvande (2005) "Fedres valgfrihet og arbeidslivets tidskulturer". Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning, (1):35-54 (19s). Fulltekst

@Halrynjo, S. og Lyng. S. T. (2010) "Fars forkj?rsrett – mors vikeplikt? Karriere, kj?nn og omsorgsansvar i eliteprofesjoner". Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 51(2): 249-280 (21 s). Fulltekst

@Hook, J, L. (2010) "Gender Inequality in the Welfare State: Sex Segregation in Housework", 1965-2003. American Journal of Sociology 115 (5): 1480-1523 (44 p.). Fulltekst

@Hook, J. L. og C. M. Wolfe (2012) "New Fathers? Residential Fathers’ Time with Children in Four Countries", Journal of Family Issues 33(4): 415-450. Fulltekst

Kavli, H. C. (2013) "Verdier p? vandring". Kapittel 9 i Ellings?ter, A.L. & K. Widerberg (red.) Velferdsstatens familier. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. (25s)

Kitter?d, R. H. og M. R?nsen (2013) "Kvinner i arbeid ute og hjemme. Endring og ulikhet". Kapittel 8 i Ellings?ter, A.L. og K. Widerberg (red.) Velferdsstatens familier. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk (30s).

@Magnusson, E. (2005) "Gendering or Equality in the Lives of Nordic Heterosexual Couples with Children: No Well-Paved Avenues Yet". NORA 13(3): 153-163 (10 s.) Fulltekst

@Oftung, Knut (2010) "Farskap etter samlivsbrudd: Rekonstruksjon av det hverdagslige". Sosiologi i dag 40(1-2):129-150 (21s). Fulltekst

@Vogler, C. 2005. "Money in the Household: Some Underlying Issues of Power". The Sociological Review 46(4): 687-713 (26s). Fulltekst

Antall sider: 241 sider

Totalt: 990 sider

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Publisert 15. okt. 2012 12:33 - Sist endret 27. nov. 2012 12:11